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You worked silently, kneading the bread dough with expert skill. You'd been working in the kitchen for years and you knew what you were doing. You would probably be a bit more confident if your prince wasn't staring at you while you worked.

You'd already declined his request to be his personal assistant several times so he'd started watching as you did your actual job. You didn't think you ever doubted your knife skills as much as when he'd stare at you, a strange smile on his face. No matter how creepy he was he paid too well for you to quit. Your only hope was to save enough money to be able to retire early and move as far away as possible.

"You're so busy. I bet your arms are aching. If you were my personal assistant I swear you'd never have to do this." He declared. Your arms didn't hurt from a little kneading and hadn't since you were younger. It was a strength gained with time in the kitchen.

"I'm fine, my prince. My arms don't hurt. You should find someone more qualified to be your assistant." You answered, mentally counting the seconds. You still had to knead for a couple more minutes or the yeast wouldn't rise enough.

"How many times do I have to ask you to call me Peter? Besides, you are the best chef we've ever had. I do suppose it would be a tragedy to eat anyone else's cooking." He shrugged, standing up and dusting off his robes. You assumed he was finally leaving to do whatever it was princes did in their free time. Something he had an abundance of as the second prince and non-heir. His older brother was already slotted to marry some princess next year and was in classes all the time. Peter, unfortunately, used most of his free time annoying you.

"It would be unprofessional to address you by your first name. I am glad you enjoy my cooking, my prince." You didn't look at him, continuing to stare at your dough. It was almost done. Peter growled, wrapping his arms around your waist.

"Why can't you look at me?! Is it because of Jeremy?! Are you in love with him like everyone else?! Or... or maybe that delivery guy?! Yes... Yes that's it! He's your secret lover, isn't he?! I bet you're planning on running away together?!" Peter continued to mutter to himself as your internal timer went off. Now you needed to cover the dough and let it rise for a while.

"It is very unprofessional to talk with me about my love life but I can assure you there's no one. Least of all, Prince Jeremy, who already has a fiancee." You said, attempting to squirm out of his arms. Peter didn't budge.

"If there's no one else, then why won't you look at me? Why won't you accept my gifts?" You were clearly talking to a spoiled child who had never been told no.

"My prince, it is very unprofessional. If I accepted your gifts or looked you in the eyes my position here could be at stake. Your parents, the king and queen, would fire me in a heartbeat if they sensed I was being insubordinate in any way." You tactfully answered. Peter stilled, his breath in your right ear for a moment before he spoke again.

"So... if I get rid of them we can finally be together?"

"No! No, that's not what I said at all! Just, think of what your parents would want, okay?" Peter hummed, his emotions seemed to do a 180.

"I need to talk to Jeremy. I'll be back!" With that he practically sprinted out of the kitchen. You looked back at your dough with a resigned expression. What had you done?


You were lying somewhere soft. Your hands were tied behind your back with a soft cloth and your eyes were covered. Had you been kidnapped? Probably not by an enemy of the kingdom, they wouldn't have left you somewhere this comfortable.

"Darling! You're finally awake! Did you know you run hot while you sleep?" The blindfold was carefully removed. In front of you, smiling as bright as the sun, was Prince Peter.

"My- my prince? Where-?" 

"Hush, love! We can finally be together, and all thanks to Jeremy! I promised to let him be my best man at our wedding!"

"Wedding?" You asked, dread pooling in your stomach.

"Yes, wedding. Now that my parents are gone we can finally have our happily ever after! I didn't even need to do anything! Jeremy did all the hard work! Now he can marry his princess sooner and I can have you!"

As Peter rambled on and on about the wedding and other things you slowly thought over your past words and actions. Maybe you should've chosen your wording a little differently or outright rejected him. It's too late now though. You're stuck with him and there is no escape.

𝕎ℝ𝕀𝕋𝔼𝕋𝕆𝔹𝔼ℝ 𝟚𝟘𝟚𝟛Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon