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A/N: If you have ideas or things you want to see in future chapters, feel free to let me know! Also I'm writing this after getting my shots and I'm supposed to go bowling tomorrow, my arm is gonna hurt so bad.

You weren't entirely sure how you got this job, the same way you weren't entirely sure whether or not you were dead. This place... it's old. Much older than you, even if you've been the one in charge for over two centuries. 

The Inn, thats what it's called, is a place for anything that can pay. From were-hybrids to vampires to elves to demons, you've seen it all at this point. You have a few regular customers who stop by. Higgs, a Satyr, practically lives here. You aren't sure where he gets the money, seeing as he's always by the fire performing if he isn't in his room.

There's also Florian, a shapeshifter, who comes and goes. You usually see them at least once a week, appearance morphing back to their normal one the second they catch your eyes. They're respectful, so you don't mind when they intently watch you serve the other patrons.

Oli, you weren't entirely sure what he is. You just know since he started coming here, you only see each Karen once, usually for less than 5 minutes. Oli always has eyes on you, literally they have over 7,000. Every time they see you they simply pull one from their body and hand it to you. It's still a bit weird but better than having them stand in reception, staring. It tends to freak out customers.

Ashton is one of the scarier ones in your opinion. He appears soft on the outside, happy and chatty. But, that's a facade. You've watched him throw someone across a room and through a wall. He's never given you any impression he may hurt you, but you try your best to remain on guard. 

All in all, you never have to worry about danger with you regulars nearby. At least, danger toward you. Just don't try to run away or leave The Inn, okay?

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