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" no the fuck she's not"  

I yelp as a gun fires on the mans arm causing him to let go of me, and him falling on the ground. 

I drop on the floor and look back watching Leo standing, limping around. 

" how fucking dare you lay a hand on her" he grips his gun walking to the man laying on the floor now screaming 

" how fucking dare you hurt her" Leo walks closer to him stepping on his gun wound pressing it hard with his feet causing the man to yell even louder now

Leo grabs his gun pointing it at his head, I move back to the corner of the now destroyed room 

" you kill me and watch how your entire life falls apart" the man on the floor says 

" you already killed Enzo. you think you also want to kill me" he gives a dark smile to Leo placing his head on the gun tempting Leo to shoot him 

" listen up Martinez. Enzo kidnapped my girl and I blew his fucking brains everywhere. you had the audacity to slap her." Leos eyes go dark bending down looking at him. 

I feel a tug and turn my head seeing Alex grabbing me 

" Heather come with me now" Alex pulls me trying to make me stand but is stay still 

" n-no" I shake my head while my eyes glued on Leo 

" Heather!" Alex tries to move me but I dont budge 

I see Leo load his gun and laugh psychotically 

" LEO!" Alex screams pulling him off, Leo shoves him off glaring at Alex 

ive never seen Leo like this. this isn't him this is a monster. 

" heather." Alex speaks in a calm manner, putting his hands up

Leo freezes, then turns facing me. his entire face changed. he gulps looking back at Martinez then at me. 

" Ian!" Leo screams and a man comes rushing inside 

" take him and lock him up" he says glaring at Martinez 

Leo looks at me and I just shove my self more in the corner. I wanted to rewind everything and never have this happen again. watching Leo almost die two times now and Alex too. 

A shiver rolls down my back

" heather" Leo walks towards me slowly 

" b-baby?" Leo bends down looking at me 

I start breathing heavy as my heart starts hurting me. 

" heather" Leo reaches his hand over

I cough hard, coughing blood everywhere, even on him 

my eyes go wide at the sight of my blood everywhere. what the fuck 

" s-s-sorry-" I cough up more blood

" fuck heather" he grabs me fast and Alex rushes over to me 

I keep coughing out blood and try to breath normally but fail to do so 

" we need to take her to the fucking hospital. now!" Alex yells 

" the hospital is in the next village its an hour drive. we need to fucking rush" 

Leo grabs me running to the car, Alex gets in and speeds off the car 

" Heather breath slowly okay" Alex runs his hands through my hair looking worried

" Leo drive fucking faster" Alex yells 

" you think im fucking not" Leo yells back 

I try to keep my eyes open but I feel them shut slowly 

" heather keep your eyes open" Alex grabs my face 

" Heather, baby please keep then open" Leo says looking at his mirror 

I cough again as more blood comes out of my mouth. everything went black and I couldn't hear anything 



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