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I pant heavily on the bleachers after running ten laps, I grab my water bottle and chug the water fast

" tired already?" Leo looks at me walking up to me

I gulp the water down my throat fast and shake my head


" hurry up and do five more" he walks away

f-five m-more....

I suddenly wince a little biting my lip hard to hold in the groan, I grip my chest rubbing it slowly taking deep breaths

I get up fast and look around making sure no one is looking at me. I grab my water bottle and make my way inside the gym walking as straight as possible while breathing as normally as I can.

I walk inside the gym, making my way inside the locker room, I collapse on the floor panting heavily gripping my chest har

I look at my locker, and drag myself while being on the floor to the locker, I open the locker fast while my face started to go red while the sharp pain increased by every second.

I pulled my bag out harshly opening the zipper, I dig my hand in trying to find the medication box

where is it, hurry before someone comes in.. this pain isn't going away its getting worse, " A-Ack-" I groan

I look down at my bag and dig in grabbing my medication box, I rush taking the pills chugging them with water while the water drips from the corners of my mouth on the shirt. I pant heavily as I slowly lose my body, everything felt much heavier than before which made the water bottle slip out of my hand rolling away from me

I lift my hand which felt as if my hand was a hundred pounds, I drag my hand grunting quietly, and grab the inhaler in the box taking three pumps.


I shut my eyes leaning my head back taking short breaths, I cough gripping my chest groaning tearing up from the pain

I can't call anyone...I have to keep hiding.

I stay on the ground for twenty minutes while the pain eases down, I slowly move my body and start to pack the medication box, putting everything back in the bag which became a mess because of my painful attack.

I zip my bag sighing staring at the floor. I slowly get up, grab the bag, and walk out of the gym to go home.

I walk inside my room and take the wig off and make my way to the bathroom taking a long shower.


Alex walked in Heather's house entrance door, he looked around finding Hannah making food, Hannah looked over at Alex and smiled, " Hey honey, how was practice?" Hannah says in a polite tone looking at him, then turns back to the stove mixing the pot

" It was good" Alex made his way near the stairs

" How did Heather's doctor appointment go?", Hannah stopped mixing the pot and turned to look at Alex " she had a doctor's appointment?" Hannah questions confused tilting her head

Alex looks at her taking a deep breath "you're her mother you should know at least." he mumbles under his breath then takes another deep breath to calm himself down " yes she did you didn't ask her?" Alex looks at her,

"oh no I didn't know, I was busy with work, then I had dinner with my friends, I didn't know when she got home. I saw her shoes and figured she's home, but I'm sure her reports are okay, she's taking all her medications so that's all there should be" Hannah says turning back to the pot and mixing it.

Alex looked at her speechless, he takes a deep breath to control himself, then makes his way up to Heather's room, he enters looking around her messy room, clothes everywhere, hung on a chair, table, edge of the bed. He chuckles and starts cleaning her room.


I get out of the shower wearing a hoodie with some sweat pants walking out of the bathroom door to my room, I look up and see Alex, I scream loud getting startled, " ALEX YOU SCARED ME"

I look at Alex standing holding a laundry basket with my clothes in it

" in what state do I look scary to you right now?......" I look at him and frown upset, "you're just standing there....... and I didn't know you were here....."

I walk to my bed sitting on it while rubbing the towel on my head, Alex puts down the laundry basket and made his way towards me. He reached his hand down to his pocket grabbing a chocolate bar out, placing it next to me, " as promised" he says

I smile grabbing it " thank youuu" I chuckle opening it, and start to devour it in my mouth.

" How are you feeling now?" he looks at me concerned, I look up at him and smile " amazing" I answer him. He looks at me not saying anything for a couple of minutes

I look at him clearing my throat " what..."

did he find out....

" Is there anything you wanna do?" he asks, I frown at his sudden approach, I look at him then realize

" Alex I'm okay with you playing and me not playing.... Alex you being here right now makes me very happy, you always help me and never make me feel alone, thank you" I smile tilting my head a little.

He looks at me taken back, " i-I'm glad I do" he says softly.

" But, I do wanna do something" I smile big in an evil way, " what is it, ill make it happen" he smiles, I smirk, he looks at me, his facial expression changing from a bright smile to frowning as if he regretted the words he just said. "I wanna go to a party, the one you, Ash, Joseph, and everyone go to, I wanna go to it" I smile big.

He looks at me then stands up crossing his hands, " Heather there are bad people there, smoking and drinking with many other more inappropriate activities."

I look at him and frown, " didn't you say that whatever I say you will make it happen, i thought you are a man of your word... i guess not" i cross my hands on my chest pouting innocently tilting my head while looking at the floor.

" i-i-.......fuck" Alex whispers out placing his hand on his face looking down

I smile big looking up at him while sitting on the bed holding my hands together on my lap, he looked down at me taking a deep breath.

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