A little break- 45

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I sit eating a bowl of fruits which Leo and Alex fought against each other to prepare for me. I don't know what I am going to do with them. 

I watch as Leo keeps attending calls on his phone while typing on his computer at the same time. I look over at Alex and see him do the same 

" Alex, you still on good terms with the Russians ?" Leo says after hanging up on his call while his eyes glued to the computer 

" uhh...after I fucked the guys girl....he only wants my dead body " Alex smiles while still typing 

Leo lets out a disappointed sigh. 

I stare at them both feeling useless. 

I want to help, but I know if I say anything both of them will just give me more fruits, books, or anything else to keep me busy and entertained. 

" we need the Russians on our side Alex they are strong.. why the fuck did you have be a fucking idiot" Leo runs his hand through his hair frustrated biting his teeth hard making his jaw and cheekbones become more sharper than they are. he losses a couple of buttons from his collared shirt and folds his sleeves up


I shake my head snapping out of it suddenly feeling very hot

" you okay heather? your face is red" Alex looks over at me and Leo's head snaps towards me with worry all over both of their faces 

" o-oh yes its just a little hot" I smile shoving the grapes in my mouth 

"bob." Leo says in a stern voice 

" yes sir" one of his bodyguards get up and rush to turn the AC on

I look at bob and mouth him a thank you with a smile, he looks at me a bit taken back but then smiles back

" Alex, figure out a way to work it out with the Russians. I need them" Leo grabs his iPad 

" no way happening..I go near them they shoot me on the spot" Alex lets out a laugh 

" maybe I could help?" I look at them both. they both stop and look at me 

" no" they both say at the same time 

" oh come on I'm a peoples person. I'm great at communicating. all of this started because of me and all i am doing is nothing, but stuffing my face with fruits while you both are working so hard...I also want to be of help...please." I bit my inner cheek hoping they will let me 

" Ivy, I don't want to risk you outside the house right now. or around any gang members. they are filthy and will look at you as an object. and if they do that I would have to shoot them." Leo says nonchalant 

" Leo....no shooting anyone." I cross my arms over my chest 

" I can't help it if they look at you the wrong way" he shrugs going back to his computer. 

" Alex im sending you their number. call and make amends somehow." Leo says 

" that's gonna be funny" Alex rubs his hands over his face

I stand up and walk towards the kitchen and start to cook them something while thinking of a plan 

" Heather sit down you shouldn't be up" Alex and Leo both say 

I walk out a little and glare at them " if any one of you say one more thing about me just sitting and doing nothing I Will hang my self. UNDERSTOOD" I stomp back in the kitchen


I smile as I put down pasta and some cookies that I made and walk outside. I see Alex with his head back, eyes shut taking a nap. I look around and see all of Leo's bodyguards dozing off. looking out towards the window I see ICE on his computer on the balcony working on his computer. 

I walk towards Leo and see his fingers just as fast as they were typing before. I sigh slowly pulling out my IV and walk toward Leo 

" hun" I whisper 

" hm?" he says focused on his computer 

I sigh and move his arms. pushing him on the back of the couch and sit on his lap. 

" wha-" he looks at me shocked 

" you've been working for hours. take a damn break" I whisper 

" I am okay darling" he smiles a little. 

" you have heavy bags under your eyes Leo" I run my hands through his hair scratching his head with my nails 

he shuts his eyes letting out a moan as his shoulders go down relaxing 

" I-Its okay" he whispers raspy 

I scratch the back of his head leaning towards his face 

" well its not" I whisper back 

I kiss his cheeks then peck his lips 

his hands slide on my waist as he opens his eyes a little staring at me 

I smile a little " I made food you hungry?" 

he nods slowly 

" ill grab you a plate" 

he grips my waist as I try to get up 

" im hungry for something else" he whispers in a tired raspy voice 

I blush bitting my inner lip " f-for what?" 

he pulls me closer to him and I gasp quietly as I feel something hard against my heat

I wrap my arms around his neck and lean to his ear " then take me away and fill your self up" I whisper 

I feel him smile as he kisses my cheek picking me up walking towards the stairs 

I giggle shoving my face in his neck 

Leo walks up to my room and opens his hand walking in then shutting it with his foot. 

he lays me down on the bed and kisses me 

" lets finish what we couldn't in the morning?" he smiles 

I look at him and giggle nodding 



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