Hospital- 33

93 0 2

Heather pov

I open my eyes slowly and wince from the bright light pouring right down at my eyes. I shut my eyes and slowly open them again, adjusting to my surroundings.

Cream block ceiling. Heartbeat monitor. Rough clothing scrapping against my soft skin. IV bags hanging from the pole.

The fucking hospital. This is the last place I wanna be.

I move my hand to get up when I feel a big hand pushing me back down. I frown and look up only to see Alex.

" H-Heather" he says worriedly.

His eyes look red, so does his nose....was he....crying?

" Alex, what happen? Why are you crying" I whisper from the bit of energy I have

"O-oh god. Thank god your safe" he slides his hands under me and hugs me tight to his chest.

Safe..oh right...

I stare at his chest and recall everything that happened. Me being kidnapped. The shooting. The truth.

" I wanna sit up" I softly say, gripping to the bed frame pulling myself up, and with some help from Alex

" Alex, I'm okay stop worrying" I meet his concerned eyes.

He looks at me with so much pain holding behind his eyes. Why is he so worried?

" Alex I'm okay" I grab his cheeks but get interrupted by my coughs.

I place my hand on my mouth and cough miserably while Alex rushes for some water. I pull my hand away and notice the blood on my hands. I hide my hand under the sheets before Alex gets to have a look at it.

Before I get to look up at Alex, he grabs my hand from the sheets and stares at it before sitting beside me.

" I-it's true" he takes a shaky breath in, and i tense

" Alex, this is nothing, don't worry" I try to assure him.

The door swings open, and the person I despise the most walks in. My childhood rose.

She sits beside the bed on the chair with reports in her hand and in walk my parents as well.

" Before you try to run away again, Heather I need to go over this with you." doctor Rose speaks out in her serious tone. This time instead of sympathy and pity, I see some
Sort of anger and concern.

" When you were here before We found some drugs in your system. But before we had the chance to really examine you. You ran away." She takes a deep breath  tucking a lose
string of her brown hair behind her ear.

" that drug seemed to be rejecting your medication at that time. But now. That drug has spread all across your body. Your organs are slowly shutting down." She looks at me with her eyes full of concern.

The drugs he gave me...

Before I get to speak, I see Leo standing in the corner of the room. When the fuck did he get in here, and how long has he been here?

His eyes knuckles are brutally bruised. Oh god, what happened to him?

" Heather. That drug has turned into poison for your body and is now slowly taking your body. I need to know what you took" Doctor Roses tone increases slightly.

" Heather. Since when did you start to take drugs." My father calls out

" you aren't the person to do such a thing I know you aren't," my mom's voice calls out next.

I feel Alex's hand on mine calling out to me but my attention is all on Leo, who is staring right back at me. His face is unreadable.

He doesn't know that I know what he did to me.

It's the drug that he gave me is that's making me what I am now. I am slowly dying off of those drugs. What can I do? What do I say?

" I-I don't know. I don't take any drugs." I manage a whisper while still intensely looking at Leo.

He takes a step in my direction but stops his tracks remaining still.

I don't know what I want from him. After everything. All the lies he fed to me I don't know what to make of it.

" Heather, then where did this come from in your body" Alex speaks out a little harsher this time. I look over at Alex and take a deep breath

" I don't know"

" then where did these bruises come from who the fuck hurt you, who the fuck did such a thing to you? I've asked Leo a thousand times he has nothing to say either. You were supposed to be on a date with him Heather" Alex look at me and his eyes that were once concerned now turn into anger.

" Did Leo do this to you?" Alex stares at me, and I shake my head fast

" then who, Heather. Who hurt you this bad for you to have such a bruise on your cheek? And who the fuck gave you such drugs or when did you take such drugs, Heather." Alex gets up, and I can see the frustration in his eyes.

I hear the door open and shut. I look up to find Leo not standing in the spot he was before.

" what is going on, Heather." He almost whispers, looking at me.

What am I fucking supposed to say? I got kidnapped and discovered the guy I love the most has been drugging me. He deceived me for his mission. And now the reason why my body is so fucked up is because of those drugs.

Who the fuck should I tell this? How the fuck should I? I have so many questions for Leo, but I don't know how to face him. What to say to him. Everything is crashing down at me at once, and I don't fucking know where to start.

The worst part is that I still want Leo around me. How fucking sick and desperate am I for him? When all I got in return were lies.

" Heather!" Alex's voice shouts, scaring me.

I look at him and try to form words. Think of a situation. Anything Heather say anything.

Before I get to speak a word, Alex storms out of the room, leaving me alone with my parents and the doctor staring at me.

" you will be admitted to the hospital until we find a way to cure your body" doctor rose gets up walking out the door.

I stare at the IV in my vein and think about everything and all the problems that I am facing and gonna face with.

Lies. Sickness. More lies. Drugs. More lies. Death.


I'm sorry for the delay it was my birthday week and so i got very busy!!! The next chapter will come soon it wont be a long wait this time!!

things are unfolding!! keep reading!

thank you don't forget to vote!

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