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" come out"

I flinch at his voice.

I stay still thinking he might be saying that to someone else.

There is no one else in the room but did he know I was here....maybe he is testing me...I'm going to stay put.

"I said. Come. out." his dry voice send shivers down my spine. I slowly crawl out, scared, and terrified.

I look up at him and see him glaring down at me with his hands crossed over his chest, his eyes piercing through my soul, I gulp hard and stand in front of him facing the ground not able to look at his scary gaze.

" would you mind opening that small mouth of yours to explain, what the fuck are you doing in my room, And under my bed?" he spits out his words at me

I gulp hard, think Heather think. Anything, anything!!

I look up at him fast and rush my words out "I lost my way to Alex's room!"

He looks at me with his cold gaze then tilts his head back a little, his eyebrows knit together, he pokes his inner cheek with his tongue, I can clearly see the imprint of it on his left cheek.

" you... Got lost in the house you grew up in?. The room you sleep more than your own room in, you lost?. You expect me to believe such words?" he takes a step towards me, I flinch and take a step back.

" speak. Why are you in my room? And under the bed? " he takes another step towards me, I step back again panting. " c-cuffs!!" I blurt out, way-a-go Heather...

Leo stops, looking down at me, clearly confused. I slowly look up at him and then down to the floor fast. I hear him chuckle, but this chuckle wasn't a fun chuckle, it was a dark chuckle.

He takes another step towards me, I hitch on my breath as I take another step back, but my back hit the wall, I flinch as he slams his hand right next to me and leans towards me, at this point, I am stuck and have no way to run away now

w-what am I going to do now...I could slip under his hand and run towards the door, but I know his fast reflex would catch me before I know it

I shut my eyes tight. " what would you do with those ?" he said in a dark tone, his voice seductive with a dark chuckle after his sentence, he tilts his head to the side to get a closer look at me. I pant heavily with my eyes gripped shut tight. " speak." he raises his voice a little.

" i-i-its not like that" I manage to whisper those words. " what do you mean it's not like that? What are you thinking?" he smirks a little "I didn't know your thoughts could go that far" he smirks.

What is he doing.....what's gone into him...why is he acting like this...I need to run away right now. He is so close to my face i can feel his breath on my cheek, fuck!!!.

" m-move" I whisper panting, my face as red as a tomato right now. " why? your the one who came to my room without my permission, snuck under my bed, saw some cuffs, and now won't talk? Tell me" he says and grabs my waste by one hand yanking me forward making my head hit his chest, I yelp and look up at him, our faces inches away " what were you doing in my room Heather Eve Richard." he whispers his words I could feel his breath on my lips.

W-why is he so close to me. He has never touched me in his life, what is going on, this is a different person that I have no idea of. W-what should I say... Oh, wait I wanted to confront him. I should do that....but... this close to body is in contact with his...I can't think straight right now I can't even talk, how the hell should I ask him...

He looks down at me and leans towards my face, my breath hitches I grip my fist close to my chest.

" y-y-you li-lied" I manage to take those words out my mouth. He tilts his head piercing his gaze down at me, I avoid looking at his gaze" lie?... Elaborate." he says calmly.

How the fuck can he be so calm with what he is doing right now...

I take all the courage in me, and face up meeting his gaze, as soon as I look into his eyes my breath hitches again I look away from his eyes wandering my eyes around, and force my tongue to move, " y-y-you went o-out the back d-door didn't you, I s-saw you m-myself" I breath heavy, he stares down at me, I don't dare to look up, I feel a hand grab my chin, my eyes go wide when he suddenly lifts my face up by my chin, forcing me to meet his gaze, his eyes cold, his face expressionless

"I don't have anything to lie to you about, people lie when they are afraid of something, and me being afraid of 5 feet, a stupid girl like you who can't even look at me in the eyes and talk, doesn't even exist. So think what you want to think." he lets go of my chin, I suddenly raise my voice looking up at him feeling a rush of hurt from his words and anger from his lying.

" a-a gun!", he tilts his head and frowns at me with a huh look, " i-i saw a gun in your bag," I say fast, he lets go of my waist and pulls his other hand away which was placed next to my face on the wall, and stands straight, he turns his back to me and walks over to his study desk grabbing his bag, unzipping the zipper and dumbing his bag to the floor, he looks down at all the things that fell out his bag then back up at me.

" you see a gun?" he questions me

I look at him and shake my head

I already looked in there I know there is nothing in the bag.

" then." he walks up to me again

" get the fuck out of my room" he spits his words out coldly making me flinch hitting my head on the wall.

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