Oh man- 46

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I slowly move around feeling big arms wrapping around me pulling me, I turn and open my eyes slowly and see Leo asleep gripping onto me tightly. 

I smile blushing looking down seeing him shirtless with just his boxers on and me, only in my undergarments. 

I lean in and peck his lips softly, I see a smile from on his face. he grabs me closer and gets ontop of me suddenly 

" oh my god, Leo!" I  whisper shout " you were awake?" 

I watch him open his eyes, seeing those beautiful blue eyes " morning to you to ivy" he says in his raspy morning voice. 

oh this man will be the end of me 

" let me show you how a morning kiss should actually be like" he leans in and I start laughing trying to move away from him

" no!" I laugh as he pulls me back down kissing my neck while sliding his hand behind my back to unhook my bra 

" why not" he pecks the back of my ear and I laugh a little with a moan 

" b-because your bodyguards are probably downstairs" I giggle trying to move around 

he grabs my hands and pins them ontop of me looking at me with hunger 

" hey Heather your m- WHAT THE FUCK" me and Leo both freeze and slowly turn our heads to see Alex standing by the door with his eyes bulging out of his eye sockets and his face turning red

I scream and Leo grabs the blankets covering me up fast, I hide under the blanket shoving my face in the pillow 

" LEO WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING WITH HER" Alex stomps to Leo about to punch him but Leo doges and stands up by the door 

" okay Alex, calm down we didn't do anything" Leo throws his hands up 


oh fuck Alex is actually getting mad 

" Alex!" I pop my head out and he looks at me then looks away 

" put on some fucking cloths first heather." he shuts his eyes pressing his temples with his fingers. 

" YOU TOO" he grabs Leo's shirt from the floor and throws it at his face storming out 

me and Leo look at each other and he starts to smile 

" are you smiling right now......" my eye twitches as he starts to laugh 

I scream loud hearing a loud gunshot, Leo jumps up and goes on alert. 

" Heather dress up, now!" 

I breathe heavily and put my cloths on fast and so does Leo. 

" what's going on" I look at Leo scared 

more gun shots start to happen, I rush towards the window and so does Leo, many group of men shooting the guards that are guarding the house 

Alex rushes in looking at the both of us " Heather come with me." 

" what no" I step back " im not leaving again, I can also fight I can do something" 

Leo grabs my shoulders and turns me to him " baby" he says softly 

I look at him " im not leaving you alone-" Leo pushed me hard to the corner of the room and everything went black. 

what is going on, what the fuck happen

everything started to ring. i groan feeling pain all over my body. I try to get up from the floor and blink many times to clear up my vision. I look around and see the room having a huge hole and there being fire everywhere.  

I watch Leo on the floor with blood all over his body, I see Alex in the corner of the room with blood coming out of his head. 

" l-leo...a-alex" i try to crawl towards them 

the door swings open and I see Ice comes in, him too covered in blood, and a gun in the other hand. 

I can't hear anything. I need to get to Leo to Alex. 

I groan crawling towards Leo, Ice looks at me and rushes towards me

Ice grabs me and keeps talking to me, but I can't hear him, I can barely make out what he is saying by looking at his mouth. 

I felt a jerk as Ice, eyes go wide and he falls over on the side. 

" I-ice" I try to shake him, I try to stand up but I feel a hard tug on my hair and a hand on my throat gripping it. I turn around and see a guy in all black suit. a gold neckless, jet black hair. 

I try to move to get away from him but he slaps me hard and I scream. 

he brings me close to him and whispers in my ear " you are now mine." I hear faintly. 



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