Death- 41

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Heather POV

i sit on the chair in the house that Leo once brought me to escape my reality. i was so peaceful here so full of joy. never did I feel so much freedom.

but this time I am not here in such a mood. everything is the opposite.

there are many men around the house and some inside two. I'm sitting on the chair near the wooden dining table.

the door opens and I jerk my head up as my nerves scream at me but I see alex walk in shutting his phone. he looks over at Ice and talks to him about something then catches my eyes.

he sighs and walks towards his bag pulling out a box and then walks towards me.

silently he opens the lid and puts the small box next to me. i look over and see pills.

" your medication time has been way passed, now take them" he looks at me and I just stare at him

" Heather." he sighs

" you knew" I stare into his eyes. we have been here for God knows how long but I haven't gotten the chance to speak with him

he looks away from my eyes then back at me again and nods

" yes" he replies looking down

" all this time you knew what sort of bullshit Leo is in, but never once you told me" I take deep breaths to calm my anger.

the pain in my lungs that has already been there for an hour now gets worse but I keep my composure.

" and that's why I never wanted you to be with him. that's why I never tried to help you get with him. yes I do think that you should do the work to get with someone you like, not someone helping you, but with him I wanted you to stay away as much as possible." he runs his hands through his dirty blond hair

" I know you will hate me for this Heather. but I love you and you matter to me more than anything. understood. y-you-" he stops his breaking voice and shuts his eyes tight for a couple of seconds then opens them looking at me again. this time those blue eyes were glossy

" I've seen you on the hospital bed so many fucking times Heather. you are already fighting life every single fucking day. the last thing I wanted was for you to have another death standing right next to you." he takes a shakey breath in

" me and Leo joined it together when we were just fifteen. but when i saw what they do to people who they are close to i stepped away from the thought of you. the thought of my sister. my mom and dad. my fucking family" he grabs my hands into his cold ones

" Leo didn't. leo stayed and it consumed his life. by the time he wanted to leave there was no way out for him. he finished everything and took control of everything." he stays on his knees in front of me looking at me and i just stare at him speechlessly

" Death walks around Leo every single fucking day Heather. i can't let you be near him"

" Alex. i understand what you are saying. but if death walks around him every day and he has nothing to live for." i grab his hands closer to me

" i want to give him a reason to life for. i would rather die next to him then on a hospital bed." i lick my dry lips and try to calm my pain.

Alex stares at me with emptiness.  i know i am giving him a difficult time but i can't just let go of him. i love him.

" take your pills." Alex says as a warning and gets up walking to Ice who has been working on his computer.



No matter whatOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora