Questions- 37

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Heather POV

Leo pulls up in front of the hospital and i get out of his car before he reaches my side. I look at him confused standing in front of me.

" What?" I look at him.

he takes a deep breath and shakes his head.

I know he wanted to open the door for me but I dont want to be distracted by those things. I need to move on from him

I walk inside the hospital and see many doctors lined up in front of my room, pacing around.

oh fuck

I watch Alex coming out looking stressed. He looks around and his eyes meet mine.

Come up with something good Heather..

I look at Leo and see him the fuck can he be calm right now?

" where the fuck were you Heather?!" he grabs my face scanning me as if im hurt

" I just went to the cafeteria downstairs to eat something" I smile through the lie.

" why is this fucker here" Alex says taking a step closer to Leo. Leo doesn't move and just keeps eye contact with him

" Okay, you guys!" I slide my hand between the two of them

" we were eating that's all" I look up and meet Alex's gaze

" just. eating" I glare at him

" now would you excuse us me and Leo have stuff to do" I grab onto Leo's arm which barely fits in my small hands and drag him to my hospital room

" why are you taking him in there" Alex stops me, and I take a deep breath to calm my anger

" I need to talk to him about something so please for the love of god Alex give me and him some privacy.. and why the fuck aren't you showered..." I stare at him up and down while he gives me the face that screams..really...

"go home and take a shower or I will not allow you in my room..I want to sleep peacefully..not when it smells like shit!" I cross my hands over my chest and he rolls his eyes

" you. watch yourself around her. This time I will break that face of yours" Alex glares at Leo before leaving and I shake my head.

I hate how this is all because of me. them fighting.. is me. they are best friends and should stay as that but right now Alex is too stubborn to move forward or even listen to me.

i look at Leo who is now taking deep breaths to calm his anger down. I sigh and walk inside the hospital room, sitting on the bed, and Leo sits on the chair in front of me

" ask away all your questions now" he looks at me

" since how long have you been drugging me " he flinches a little

this might be jumping right in but this is what I want it to be.

" u-uh, about a year or so now" he clears his throat looking everywhere but at me

" what do you do?"

" what do you mean?" he frowns

"you're in some gang shit, right? Elaborate that" I cross my arms looking at him

" uh yes I am in a way...I'm a mafia leader"

my blood runs cold, and all I do is stare at him.

" y-you kill people?" I try to not shutter

he looks at me taking a deep breath " look this type of information will do you no good Ivy"

" answer me." I clear my throat trying to act as strong as I can

" people who deserve to be killed. yes, i kill them"

" When you kissed me in the hospital. it wasn't true, right." i clench my teeth looking at him

he looks down, rubbing his hand on his thigh " y-yah"

i know it wasn't true but for some reason i wanted it to be true.

" All this time you have been around me. It been all fake" I take a shaky breath in

" no"

I lift my head meeting his hung one " what do you mean no?"

" it hasn't been all fake"

" did you take my virginity for your mission?" I grip the bedsheets in my hand.

His head snaps up and shakes it fast " God. No Ivy. Yes, I am fucked up but not this fucked up. I fucking love you."

" no, you fucking dont!" I raise my voice. " people who love each other dont try to kill one another!" i can't keep my tears in, and they break out

"i-im so fucking sorry, Ivy." he gets up, trying to come to be but stops

" i really want to hug you i will get on my knees for you Ivy I'm so fucking sorry. i dont know how to prove it to you. yes, i hurt you. yes, i didn't like you at first. But ivy you became something so fucking unique to me, and i dont know what to do. I've fallen head over heels for you, and i dont know what to do. Seeing you cry rips me into pieces. i want to hold you and promise the world to you. Protect you and never fucking ever hurt you like this ever again. but i dont know how to prove all that for you i dont know how to show you. fuck Ivy i dont know what you're doing to me but whatever the fuck it is i can't control it and it's driving me fucking insane" he grips his hair sitting back on his chair avoiding looking at me.

" I'm so fucking sorry ivy" he gets off the chair and goes on his knees grabbing my hand in his.

" w-what are you doing Leo" I frown pulling him up, but my strength is nothing compared to his. he stays there digging his face in my hands

" please, princess. please dont cry. Each tear that comes out of your beautiful eyes rips me more and more" he looks up with his eyes glossy

" my Ivy. I'm so fucking sorry" he cups my cheeks wiping the tears away, and I look at him in shock.

" Leo! up, right now!" I stand up pulling him, but he doesn't budge. I take a deep breath and go down on my knees with him wiping my tears

I grab his face in my small hands.

" you love me?" I ask him looking into his ocean eyes that look like they are about to let go of all that it's holding

" God, Ivy fucking hell, I do" his voice goes low

"I love you too" I lean in and place my lips on his.

No matter what. i can't let go of this man.

He grabs my cheeks and deepens the kiss with the other hand pulling me closer by my waist.

God. I love this man




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