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" heather!"

  what's that faded voice.... who is that

  " step back, she needs rest"

  I can't move my body..why.

" why isn't she waking up!?"

  my head is pounding, I can't open my eyes...

I frown hearing more faded voices, I take a deep breath and force my eyes to open.

The first thing I see insight is white, cream tiles, I blink a couple of times and tilt my head around scanning the room

oh I'm in a hospital

I look to my left and see Alex, Sophia, Ash, and Leo standing

All but Leo, looking at me with worried eyes.

Why am I in the hospital, what is going on.

" Heather are you okay?!" I look towards Alex, who seemed clearly worried. I grip the bed handles to help me sit up, Alex grabbed my hand and pushed a button on the side of the bed making the bed move up to a sitting position for me.

I look towards him when an aching pain hit my head, I grip my head with my hand and rub it to try to ease the pain.

" Hey it's okay" I heard a sweet voice, I look up and see Steph looking at me worried.

Ash came to the right side of me and grabbed my hand, gently pushing me to the bed, " relax, it's okay, you're alright". I look at them and let out a deep breath.

" what is going on?" I whisper softly, " why am I here, and w-why does my head hurt so bad" I groan trying to talk.

" Hey, don't talk if you can't," Steph says while rubbing my shoulder. "I found you on the floor by the back door of the school, you weren't responding, when I checked your heartbeat it was slow, so I rushed you to the hospital," Ash says while looking at me worried.

I frown. On the floor? By the back door? what?.

" Heather, you rushed out the classroom saying you're going to the restroom, what happened?" Alex says.

" i-i-" what happened? Why can't I remember? I grip my eyes shut trying to recall.

" i-i was sitting in c-class, kylie walked i-in" I open my eyes looking at my hands "I saw... I-i saw Leo rush out. So I rushed after him." I look up, my eyes meet Leo's. " he went to the backdoor, and i-i-" I frown trying to remember.

"backdoor?" Leo says in a rough voice, looking at heather with a disgusted face. " first you chase after me, then you say backdoor?... I went to the bathroom." Leo tilts his head looking at Heather with a cold expression.

" Leo, cut it. Show some care, she's not okay right now" Ash argues with Leo, he simply rolls his eyes " is it my fault she chased after me? I went going to the bathroom, what was she gonna do about that?." he argues back.

"I saw someone look at you, and you looked at him back, then you rushed out. I thought you weren't safe, so I wanted to make sure you are" I gulp gripping my hands.

" who told you to care for me? I don't know what guy you're talking about. I went to the bathroom because I wanted to. This is your problem Heather, you don't mind your own damn fucking bussi-"

" enough!" Alex interrupts Leo.

worrying about him isn't something he ever asked me to do...I just do it because...I just do...

" Can't you see, she's not okay right now, and even if she saw you run out she came after you for a reason didn't she. Now stop acting like a fucking idiot and keep your mouth shut!" Alex yells at Leo towering over him, Leo didn't budge.

"you're coming after me as if I did something to her. She says she chased after me when I was in the bathroom and she was near the backdoor, which is far from each other" Leo argues back then tilts his head towards Heather. " you said a guy supposedly looked at me, who is he? How did he look?" I look at Leo trying to figure out how to answer his questions.

" h-h-he had a-a black hood on i-i couldn't see his eyes, h-he also had a black mask on s-so I couldn't see what he looked like," I whisper.

" What a story Heather" Leo claps sarcastically.

" Leo, I'm done with you," Ash says, getting up and walking over to him, she grabs him by his collar and drags him out of the room aggressively.

I look down at my hand trying to figure out what happened.

I know what I'm saying is not a lie, I saw Leo sitting and someone looked at him...oh wait... a gun..., but who would believe me. Why can't I remember what happened? I remember his back, I know for sure that was him, so why is he acting like that.

" Heather, it's okay. Don't overthink what he said" Alex places his hand on the top of my head.

" I-I know I have no right to care for him as he said, but Alex, I saw a gun in Leo's bag and I saw someone look at Leo, he then ran out. I remember that much. I'm not lying" I look at Alex desperately for him to believe me. He looks at me

I can't figure out what he is trying to say with that look. " ill look into it for you okay, ill check the school security cameras. For now, you need to rest, whatever that went in your body affected your heart really bad. So rest"

Alex pats my head and pecks my forehead, I sigh looking down. He presses a button to make the bed lay down, I turn and pull the blanket on me, and shut my eyes.

I saw a gun, he ran out, I ran after him, grabbed the doorknob... then what... Heather, what was the pressure you felt? Why can't you remember? Did Leo do it? but I saw him walk out the backdoor.

Leo didn't find me even though he would be the first to see me. He didn't go to the bathroom. I can't mistake his back for anyone, who did this to me, what is going on.

Leo acted defensively when I mentioned his name, his usual reaction would be him not caring and saying nothing, but he argued, he even said harsh words to me, him saying harsh words is normal but the way he was so defensive wasn't normal to me.

I have to find out. What is Leo hiding? And who did this to me?

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