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- next day-

No matter how much I think about it nothing adds up. Alex looked into the security cameras but the footage was deleted, no one is on my side with this. Leo hasn't talked to me since then, everyone is confused as to what happened, Leo, Ash, and Sophia think I am lying, and that I fainted because of my heart condition.

Leo is scary to talk to, but I will get to the bottom of this, no matter what.

" Honey" I snap out of my thoughts and look up at yennifer looking at me worried, " you okay?" I look at her for a couple of seconds then nod.

no one is believing me. How could she too? Alex said he looked into Leo's bag but found nothing. I sigh and take a small bite of my sandwich.

" don't worry Heather, your overthinking honey" I feel yennifers hand stroking against my cheek, I smile in return then look back at my plate of food that I have just been nibbling on.

" eat up" I see Alex place down a bowl with five different shaped and colored pills, I look up at him.

" What is this," I ask him, he looks down at me, then takes the seat beside me " your medication. I saw your medication log and you haven't been taking your medications properly, so now I will be giving you your medication." he pushes the bowl to me

I looked down at them then up at him. " seventeen years old.... Taking medication as if I'm seventy" I grab one pill that was green in color and take it washing it down my throat with water.

" so?" Alex says back and grabs another bowl with about seven pills in the bowl, I frown then look up at him "it's not yours it's for me" Alex says in a rush before I protest to take them.

" why would you need that many" I question him seriously, then I hear Yennifer laugh, I turn my head towards her confused " what?" I ask

" don't worry honey, those are vitamins and two of them are gummies," yennifer says laughing. I swing my head to Alex who now looks upset

" mom does it matter if they are gummies or not, whenever Heather will take her medications I will take these medications, that way" Alex looks at me " you won't feel alone, even though mine are just vitamins, it is the principle that matters" I look at him then smile.

Alex always has a way to make me feel better, no matter what, he is always there to make a horrible situation into a laughable moment for me.

- Night Time-

I have been avoiding this, but I will do it, I will sneak into Leo's room. I will find that gun and question him about that day, I can tell he knows something. So I will make sure I take that out of him and find out who was the person who made me collapse.

I look at the time, eleven pm, eleven pm is when Alex will be leaving for kylies party, and he will be taking Leo with him, that is when I will have a good chance to sneak into his room.

I grab the TV remote and turn the TV on to pretend as if I am watching something

" Alright I'm out mom" Alex yells while dragging Leo with him " be safe, I love you " Yennfiers yells back from the kitchen. "I don't even know why I am going" Leo groans while being dragged by Alex.

" it is good for you, all you do is be in your room and have no human interaction, go out and have fun, as your mother I am saying this so take it into consideration," Kenny says to him while smiling at him.

" ugh..bye," Leo says dryly and walks out.

Now is my chance! Hurry heather, be sure to be smooth.

I get up and walk upstairs, " I'm going to Alex's room to paint" I yell while climbing the stairs, " when you come down can you bring the dishes he has in his room down please" I hear yennifer yell back " okay!" I respond, then walk all the way up.

Okay, be careful now.

I slowly walk up to Leo's room and twist the doorknob gently and slowly, once I hear the click of the door unlocking I slowly pull it to myself to open the door, and slowly walk in shutting the door behind me very gently. I turn and look at his room

his room is very much like his personality....cold...

A study desk with a plain chair, right behind his queen size bed, with black sheets, LED lights around his bed frame, a black carpet near his bed, I look around and see his attached bathroom door open, his room isn't messy...unlike Alex and my brother. He keeps everything organized....

I look at his school bag placed on his study desk, chair. I walk up to it and open the zipper looking inside his bag, all I see is a simple notebook and pencil. I zip the bag close then look around and see some drawers on his study desk, I lean towards it and open the drawers looking around I see a picture of him and a random boy standing next to him, I frown and grab the picture looking at the blond boy next to him.

" who is this?" I frown tilting my head. " could this be the guy who was standing out the door that day?... he has his arm around him which means they are close" I whisper to myself, then look back at his drawers, and open the other once to find what I came here for

I suddenly hear Leo's voice. " mom parties aren't for me okay, please let me be".

Oh fuck!!.

I throw the picture in the drawer and then shut it fast, I run to the door, but then stop when I hear his footsteps near.

what do I do!!?.

I look around and see his bed, I run and slid under his bed gripping my hand on my mouth staying still as I hear the door open and footsteps becoming louder and clear.

If I get caught...I am dead...

I hold my breath to make no noise, I turn my head slowly and my eyes go wide from what my eyes just landed on.

Is that.......no......that's.....f-furry...handcuffs...and....OH, MY G-

" come out."

I flinch at his voice.


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