Plan- 10

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After the day went by the time for training came near and my excitement through the roof

I started walking back to school, I went from the back door and straight to the gym,I walk inside and look around

I saw Leo and Alex talking to each other, I turn my head and see Ash and Sophia talking to the other members of the team

okay, it's okay act natural and it'll be okay no one will know it's you as long as I don't overreact and stay in my current state.

The door swings open, and joseph comes running in screaming " IM SORRY IM LATE" he stops in front of Leo and pants heavily, he stands up looking at them, "it's okay we are about to get started in a few minutes" Leo responds back.

" sam" Leo calls out

I look around the gym lost in my thoughts, omg I'm going to be training here, this is so cool so

" sam" Leo repeats again but gets no response, " SAM!" he yells loud I flinch and look around at who is he trying to call, I look over at Leo, I see him looking at me, I frown then realize as my eyes go wide

HES CALLING ME OMG, I open my mouth the speak but take a sharp breath in I CANT TALK OH MY GOD HEATHER GET IT TOGETHER.

I run up to him and nod, " you sure your not deaf as well?" I frown tilting my head and shaking my head

"that's rude Leo" Alex kicks Leo's feet shaking his head, Leo gave no response instead he looked over at all the other members of the team.

he sure is mean to everyone....

" Okay guys gather up, this is sam, he can't talk but you guys can use sign language, he looks like a girl but isn't...he looks flimsy-" Alex interrupts Leo " OKAY ENOUGH"

Alex looks over at me and smiles putting his hand out " I'm Alex, sorry for Leo he's a bit rude but that's his personality, anyways welcome to the team" I smile back

Alex always has a soft heart for people, he may seem rude but he isn't, Alex is reckless yeah, but that's his way of living life

I raise my hands to use sign language. " thank you", I sign. He looks at me and uses sign language " your welcome"

" Alex stays near him, I don't understand sign language so I would need you to comprehend what he's trying to say," Leo says in a blunt tone then walks away.

how can he be rude to someone like that...

" don't think much about him, whatever he says take in one ear and out the other, I know sign language very well, so it won't be a problem if you need any help come to me okay." I smile then nod.

" Everyone go get changed then come down to the track, we will start with 15 laps" Leo yelled out then walked away to the boys changing room

I grabbed my bag and made my way towards the girls changing room when I was suddenly pulled by my shirt back, I frowned and looked back and saw Alex confused

he looks at me and tilts his head, " that's the girl's locker room", my eyes go wide as I look at the girl's locker room I was about to walk into then back at him, I gasp and sign to him " I'm sorry I didn't know, I didn't see the sign" I rush my hands

he nods smiling laughing a little signing back "it's okay". Alex makes his way inside the boy's gym locker room and I follow him, I look up and see all guys shirtless, some of them even pantless. My eyes go wide I gasp and shut my eyes fast running inside the bathroom, inside a stall.


I take a deep breath and started changing my clothes to sweat pants and a sweatshirt, I grab my phone to look at myself in it and fix my wig.

I grab a hat and put it on tight so the wig doesn't come off as well as the hat. My phone started ringing, I looked at the caller ID, ALEX...WHY IS HE CALLING ME RIGHT NOW...

I clear my throat and answer the phone putting it next to my ear, " h-hello" I whisper, " Hey Heather how are you doing? what did the doctor say? Is everything okay? Is there any new medication that you are supposed to take? send me your reports I will look over them, how are you feeling?" he kept on shoving questions

I take a deep breath finding a way to interrupt him." Alex" I whisper fast

" why are you whispering? Are you ok? what did they do?" he questioned again concerned

I started to hear his voice much clear and twice now, I frown and then my eyes go wide realizing he is in the bathroom now, I peek a little from the door and see Alex pacing back and forth

I sigh looking at him, I feel bad he looks so worried

I shut the door and whisper softly trying my best to be as quiet as possible

" Alex, I am okay. I'm half asleep right now that's why I'm whispering, I forgot to pick up the reports so I don't have them, stop worrying I'm all okay, everything is normal" I whisper very quietly.

" This is the fourth time you forgot your reports Heather" I hear him sigh after his sentence, I bite my lip looking down

I've been lying to him and to everyone, I forced my parents to not come with me to my appointments anymore and promised them i would go by myself, but i never go. Theres no point. No matter what, theres no point.

" Alex I'm tired right now, I will go to sleep okay" I whisper softly looking down at my feet, I hear another sigh from the phone

" Okay, sleep well I will bring you some chocolates okay" he whispers back in a low voice, " okay"

I hang up putting my hands on my face

fuck...I feel horrible now...

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