Plan- 44

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i put my hand up as all my men point the gun at Alex. i deserved that...

all my men hesitantly put their guns away. 

" everyone out and guard from outside" 

" but si-" Ice begins to protest 

" out." i say sternly

once all my men get out the house Heather rushes over to me grabbing my face with her face filled with worry. 

she turns her head glaring at Alex. her eyes filled with fire. God i love this girl.. 

" baby it's okay. I'm fine" i sit up on the chair slowly while picking Heather up with me 

" Heather. stay out of this." Alex glares at Heather speaking in a dark voice. 

i frown standing in front of Heather " listen up Alex. whatever this is its between me and you. so drop that gaze and speak normally to her. understood. you can hit me all you want but watch yourself the way you speak around her." 

Alex glares at me " the hypocrisy is fucking killing me" 

i sit Heather down putting the IV back in her arm which she ripped out. " don't be reckless thank god its not bleeding" 

i sit down and look at Alex

" what the FUCK! did you do that the entire yuri is fucking after her. i can understand if they are after you. but why the fuck Heather." Alex glares at me

" what is the yuri? who are they?" Heathers soft voice breaks in 

i sigh rubbing my forehead thinking how to start this and what question to answer first 

i look towards heather " you know that i am in the mafia" i look at her and she nods. 

" well in LA there are five big mafia gangs. Ace, Adrian, Enzo, Martinez, and Leo. we all were on each others throats killing everyone left and right until Adrian brought up the idea for all of us to be united. it would lose less lives and keep the underground at a much better protection. when we would fight other, small gangs would have the opening to attack and losing so many people wasn't the best option either."

"there were a few rules set. that we all share some part of our companies, and that there will be no killing between us. we can have conflict outside of this circle and kill whoever we want outside of the circle, but if there is conflict inside the circle we clear it out with meetings. we became the strongest mafia to exist in history all the countries fear us. we were called Yuri then. and if anyone attacked someone in the yuri the entire yuri goes after that person." 

Heather nods slowly taking all this information in. i turn towards Alex and sigh 

" Heather knows some parts, but doesn't as well." i look at her and then Alex

" about a year or so ago i was having a meeting with someone who tried to leak information. Enzo was with me. when i was dealing with the guy, Heather somehow got in and snuck under the cars. she watched me shoot the guy and she screamed. when everyone started to look for who saw it, i saw Heather under the car. before i could processes it properly Enzo saw her to. he wanted to kill her but i said no. there was no way i could just kill her i knew you would kill me" 

i look at Alex who is just staring at me

" Enzo contacted Ace. he knew that i somehow knew her because of the way i acted. if it were anyone else everyone knows i wouldn't hesitate to shoot that person. so Ace came up with the idea of drugging her so she can forget everything." 

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