Game On & Celebrations

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Diana's POV: 

I look out the window nervously as we arrived at the Smosh Games HQ. Today is the day I appear for the first time in a Smosh video. Gametime with Smosh. I'm not going to lie, I am nervous. What if I'm not funny enough? What if people don't like me? I'm going to make a fool of myself. My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Anthony and Ian slamming their doors closed. I got out nervously. 

"You okay?" Anthony asks. 

"Yea." I say unconvincingly. 

"Don't worry about it. I know you are nervous. But just be yourself. Don't try too hard. Just let it flow." Ian says reassuringly. 

"Just let us know if you feel uncomfortable." Anthony adds in. 

"Okay." I smile, feeling a little bit better. 

We go inside, the guys show me around and introduce me to a couple of people that work there. There's 3 computers. One for each since we're playing Draw My Thing. We sit at our respective computers. The crew set up the recording systems for the computers and cameras. I just sat there awkwardly, while the guys and crew did what they had to do. 

I was thinking about the picture Anthony showed me from last. I laughed at it. It explains how I got into bed and I had faint smell of Ian in my nose. I smile. They really didn't have to do that. I told them not to and they said that they wouldn't let me feel so uncomfortable. That's sweet. 

"Diana?" Ian waves a hand in front of my face. 

"Huh?" I say stupidly. 

"We're ready to go." He says with a cute smile on his face. I blush. What the hell are you thinking, Diana? 

"Game on!" I say excitedly and sit on my chair, in between Anthony and Ian. 

They turn on the camera and start the intro. 

"Welcome to another episode of Gametime with Smosh!" Ian says excitedly. 

"As you can see here, we have a special guest." Anthony says pointing to me. "She's the winner of our contest that we started a couple of weeks ago." 

"Hey everyone! My name is Diana." I say happily into the camera. 

"You'll be seeing her around in these videos for a while. So welcome her, please." Ian says, looking at me. "So what are we going to play today, Diana?" 

"We're going to play Draw My Thing. Fair warning, I'm a pro at these games. Them? Not so much." I say sarcastically. 

"Let's get started!" Anthony yells. 

After playing for an hour and a half, we finish playing and recording Gametime. It was so much fun. It didn't feel scripted or rehearsed. It was just pure fun. Ian came in first with 2 wins, I came in second with 1 win and Anthony last with no wins at all. On our way to leave the building someone stopped us. It was Jovenshire. 

"Anthony. Ian. How's it going? Who's this?" He asks. 

"We're good. This is Diana. Our contest winner." Ian says to him. 

He grabs my hand and kisses it. "Nice to meet you." He smiles. 

I blush and say, "Likewise." He's kind of cute. 

"Anyways, we have to go." Ian said...angrily? Maybe it's just me. 

"We do?" Anthony and I said at the same time. 

"Yea, I'm buying us Panda Express. My treat." He says quickly. "Bye, Joven." 

We said our goodbyes to each other. While I walk behind the guys, I took a quick look behind me and see Joven looking at me with a smile on his face. Yea...he is cute. 

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