A New Idea

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Ian's POV 

"Anything yet?" asked Anthony. 

"Nope." I sigh. We're trying to figure out something new for our IanH channel. We've been looking at the whiteboard for an hour already. I wanted to do something different instead of the same old thing. Don't get me wrong, I love doing Mailtime and Lunchtime, but I want to do something different for once. We'll still do the same, but I want something extra. At least Anthony didn't disagree with me. 

"How about a behind the scenes video of Smosh?" Anthony looked over at me with a questionable look on his face. I thought about it, but turned it down. "No, they already see that as bonus clips on Smosh.com and that's more of Smosh business, not a look into our life." I explained. He understood. 

"Whatever. I'm going grab something to eat, want anything?" He stood up and looked at me. 

"Pizza?" I looked at him, hoping he wanted the same. 

"Sure." He smiled. "Don't bust your head about this while I'm gone. Okay?" He looked at me worriedly. "Don't worry. I'll be okay." I gave him a reassuring smile. "Okay..." He said as he left. 

I sigh, turning my chair around and start thinking. Anthony always worried too much. He knows how much I put myself into Smosh. That's what worried him. I always put my all into my videos, editing and filming. It's all for the fans. They brought us all so far to where we are now. I can't fail them now. That's why I want to do this. I want to do something for them. But what? That's what is stressing me out right now. That's why Anthony worries. He's such a good friend, but he should know why I do it. He does it too. Our fans give us so much, how can we show or do something back for them? 

"I'm back!" Yelled Anthony. 

"Already?" I say out loud but mostly to myself. "Dude, I've been gone for like 20 minutes. You must've really spaced out." Anthony starts laughing. I laugh back looking at the clock realizing that it's true. 

"Thought of anything yet?" Anthony asks. "No" I look at him, grabbing a slice of delicious pepperoni pizza. "You?" 

"I did actually." He says. He stays quiet and I look at him expecting him to tell me already. "Oh right! Um...how about a contest?" He waits for my answer, looking at me while he eats his pizza. "A contest? Seems good. What's it about? What's the prize and how many winners?" I ask, standing up writing his idea on the board. 

"The fans can make up a dance of any songs they choose. But our songs only." He says. I write it all down. It sounds really good so far. 

"10 winners: 1 grand prize winner and 9 minor prizes. The minor prizes can be a signed poster from us." He says. 

"And the grand prize?" I look at him. The board is almost full. I have a weird handwriting. 

"Not sure yet." He shrugs. I sigh, we progress and then there's always something stopping us. 

"Well, we have something for now. Now I can relax a bit." I sit down and eat my pizza. 

"Finally. You need a break. WE need a break." He chuckles. 

"Yea, you're telling me." I laugh quietly. 

We eat together, making jokes and playing Sims on our computer. But I still have the grand prize nagging me at the back of my head. What can we do? 

Anthony's POV 

I look over at Ian. I know he's still thinking about that prize. At least I took some of that stress off of him. But he's still thinking. I tried lifting up the mood, but he's too hard headed sometimes. Ever since Melanie broke up with him he's been out of it, but he's still there. Just more into his work and fans. That's good, I guess, but he needs someone. After the break up, it just hit him hard. I had to give up some time with Kalel to help him up, but it's a good thing that she understood. I love her. She understands my life and most importantly me. Just like I do with her. She knows that Ian is my best friend. She knew that Melanie was going to eventually hurt him somehow, but she didn't dare to tell him. But only because he loved Melanie too much to listen. 

It was late so we called it a night. Shut off everything and went to our rooms. 

"Goodnight, Ian." I called out. 

"Goodnight, Anthony." I hear him say back and then close the door. 

I close my door, laying down in bed and closing my eyes. The contest and grand prize wandering through my mind.

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