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Ian's POV: 

Friday. I would usually jump for joy about it. But there's something I'm dreading about going to Gang Bang. Diana won't be in it. She'll wait backstage, where the cameras are. I leaning against the counter in the kitchen drinking coffee. It was 12:52pm. We're supposed to leave in a few minutes to Smosh Games HQ. 

"Hey!" Diana says happily. She's in a good mood. 

"Hey. You're in a good mood." I say back. 

"I am. I have moments of clarity in the weirdest times. So I feel good. You should too." She says happily, holding my shoulders and looking at me in the eyes. "Welcome it." 

Her eyes look bright and brown. "Alright, I will." I smile reassuringly. 

"Good." She lets go and grabs some coffee of her own. "Where's Anthony? Shouldn't we be going?" 

"I'll go check on him." I put my cup in the sink and head to his room. Banging on his door. He open his door. 

"What's up?" He says calmly. 

"We got to go. It's almost 1." He looks at his phone. 

"Oh! Sorry I didn't know." He apologizes. He grabs his keys and we all head out. 

Diana's POV: 

"Ready to meet the Smosh Gamers? Besides Joven." Anthony asks, while holding the doorknob. 

"Let's go! I can't wait." I say excited. 

He opens the door and they both start yelling and jumping like chimpanzees. I walk in behind them, laughing. They're so funny and silly. 

"Ready to go down, BITCH?!" Ian yells. Everyone laughs. 

"How's it going everyone?" Anthony says. Everyone mutters "Good" or "Fine". 

Ian turns around, grabs my hand and puts me in front of everyone. 

"Everyone, this is Diana. Diana, this is everyone. She's the winner of our contest." Ian says. Everybody came up to me. 

"I'm Matt or Sohinki. Whichever you want." He says, shaking my hand. "Nice to meet you." 

"Mari or Mari. Whatever you want. Great to meet another girl here." She says, laughing. I laugh too while shaking her hand. 

"I'm David a.k.a. Lasercorn." He says while shaking my hand. "Pleasure to meet you." 

"Nice to meet all of you. I love all your videos." I say happily. Joven comes up to me. 

"Great seeing you again, Jovenshire a.k.a. Joshua." I say, shaking his hand. 

He laughs, nodding his head. "Good job. Internet?" 

"Yea." I laugh. "So...don't let me interrupt this. I'll just sit there." I point to the chairs behind the cameras. 

I sit on the chairs and let them get started. They get into positions, do the intro and started playing. They were doing karaoke. I dazed off into my thoughts and started thinking. The way Ian held my hand felt so good. I felt warm and happy. His eyes are so blue and bright. The way they just stared back into me this morning. I smiled. I felt something. I don't know what it is. I'm just scared to find out what it is. a different story. There's something about him that makes me want to like him. To give him a chance. But I just don't want to get caught up with guys. Especially if I'm only here about a month. I look over at the gamers. Anthony is talking while looking at his phone. They must be done. I dazed out too long. 

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