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This was a request I got. But because my story got deleted, I lost the comment so I don't know who to give credit. 

If the person who asked for this is still reading, please let me know who you are so I can give a shoutout.


1 Month Later

Evan's POV:

It took us a while, but we managed to do it. Yesterday, Cas finally said she forgives us. I can't explain how happy I am.

Cassandra's birthday is coming up in 2 days. I want to give her something big. Something special. But I just know Sil and Mig will beat me to it.

Nonetheless, I at least want to give her something that can have a long lasting effect on her and is memorable. I think I have the perfect idea.

"Psst, Evan" Erika whispered from the seat in front of me. "What?" I whispered back. "What is he teaching?" she asked, referring to our professor.

I looked back on the board and sighed. "No idea" I replied. "You have no idea?" she asked. I shrugged. "Got things on my mind" I said. Erika rolled her eyes at me before looking away.

Just another day studying.


"No! I said it first! Don't you dare copy my idea!" Silas said, poking Mig's chest and glaring at him. "Can you pleaseeee get something else? I really want to do what you said" Mig said.

I just sat there, amused at their conversation. They were discussing the gift to give Cas. She wasn't home from work yet.

"What even is this thing you both want to give her?" I asked. "Why? You want to steal my idea too?" Silas taunted. I rolled my eyes at that.

"I already have my gift planned. I'm just curious" I said. Now they both seemed interested. "What's your gift?" Sil asked.

I smirked. "Why? You want to steal my idea?" I asked, kinda proud of myself. Silas raised a brow, half smirking.

"How about you use that mouth when I fuck you? Oh can't. My poor little baby cannot even form words when I fuck him" he said.

I blushed, looking away. That made both of them crack up. Just then, the door to the house opened, and in walked a very tense Cas.

"No! How many fucking times do I need to tell you?! Blue on top and orange on the bottom! Then blue petal flowers on the orange layer!" she shouted at someone of the phone.

"Oh for fucks sake! JUST DO AS I SAID!!!!" she shouted again before cutting the call. Her eyes met with ours and she sighed. "Sorry" she mumbled.

Mig walked up to her and gave her a hug. "It's okay" he said. Cassandra hugged him back tightly. We could see her stress reducing.

"I want to fuck" she suddenly mumbled. "Sure baby" Miguel replied. But Cas pulled away from Mig and shook her head.

"No, I mean like.....I want to fuck you" she said. "Like pegging?" I asked, a little too excited for it. Cas nodded.

Silas smirked. "Why does it sound too good to be true?" he questioned, looking at me and Mig mischievously. Usually it's Cas and Sil on top with me and Mig on the bottom.

"No Silas. I want to peg all three of you" Cas said, making Silas' smirk drop. "Me too?" he questioned, a little taken aback. But Cas nodded.

"I've got too much pent up stress and anger. I need it out" she said. I grinned excitedly. "How much time before we present mistress?" I asked.

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