Hunting Him

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Evan's POV:

To say I slept well last night would be an understatement. The anticipation of my punishment had me twisting and turning the entire night. I finally fell asleep at 5 a.m.

"EVANDER!" Cas shouted from downstairs. I hate it when she uses my full name. It means that I'm in actual trouble now.

I rushed downstairs to the kitchen to find breakfast served. "Eat" was all she said before the other three dug into their foods.

I looked at the clock confused. "Aren't you two supposed to be at work?" I asked Silas and Miguel. Cas' hotel is still re-building.

"We've taken a few days off. Someone needs to be reminded of their place" Silas answers for both of them.

I'm triple screwed.

Once dinner is done, I am commanded to sit there while the others walk away. I can hear the water, indicating that the dishes are being washed.

Finally, they all come back, and evil glint in their eyes. But what hurts, is that there is also a displeasing glint in them. Their upset with me.

"Please don't give me that look. It hurts" I mumbled. "You think it didn't hurt us when we found out you've been taking advantage of out trust?" Mig asked.

"I'm sorry" I apologized again, slowly kneeling by Cas' feet. I'll do anything to get my apology.

"Punishment time baby" Cas said, to which I nodded. I watched as Silas and Miguel closed all the curtains and lights except for the kitchen's.

"5 minutes to hide. 20 minutes for us to search. If we find you, we double everything in your punishment. If we fail, we'll half it" Cas said.

"Okay mistr–"

"But there's a catch," Silas added, smirking, "You can't actually hide. Run around like the little prey you are my little slut."

The look Silas gave me, made my entire body shudder. There was a promise in his eyes. A promise that he will find me.

"Okay" I replied. "Okay what?" Miguel asked, pushing on the word. Not wanting to ruin it further, I said what they wanted to hear.

"Okay Master."


"Ready or not, here we come!" Cassandra said from the garage. Gulping, I ducked down behind the couch.

I had no strategy. I just needed to survive 20 minutes somehow. I heard footsteps coming before they went in different directions. They didn't think I would hide directly here.

A while later, all three of them returned. I could see their outlines. "I bet he's right here" Silas said, making my breath hitch.

"Are you baby?" Cas rhetorically questioned, her footsteps sounding louder and louder. I closed my eyes, accepting my fate if it chooses to happen now.

Suddenly, all noise stopped, making me confused at fuck. I opened one eye first, then the second. One tilt of my head to the left, and I screamed.

I stumbled back to my feet and towards my right. But just like an actual predator, Silas and Miguel jumped in front of me.

"No, no, no, no, no....." I kept on saying as Cas came from one side while the other two came from the other side.

Seeing no other option, I jumped over the couch, immediately reaching the other side. Before they could corner me again, I ran upstairs.

I rushed into a room before I realized that locking the door was against the rules. I heard the door creak open and slid under the bed.

"Come outside little prey. Let me play with you" Cas said in a sing song voice, taunting me. Multiple footsteps surrounded the bed, making me know I was fucked.

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