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Evan's POV:

I pinched myself again to keep my eyes open. God! Is there anything more boring than history?

Why are we even learning history when I'm here for my degree is botany? I just wanna learn about plants! Not about which era they were first discovered in!

Finally, the bell rang. I grabbed my bag, rushing out the classroom. My eyes searched for my best friends, finally landing on James.

"JAMES!" I shouted, rushing towards him. "Hey" I said, panting a little since I ran here. "Hi" he said, throwing me a banana.

"Where's Erika?" I asked, searching around the hallways. No sooner had I said it, that Erika came rushing towards us.

"" she panted. "Okay, calm down first Erika" I said, giving her water. But she pushed my hand away.

"There was in the restaurant. Call Cassandra!" she said. My eyes widened, my heart beating out of my chest.

Then she showed me her phone with the news on it. At this point, I could faint. Cas.

I quickly got my phone, trying to call her. But she didn't pick up. My eyes started watering in fear.

I called Miguel next, begging the gods that he would pick up. Luckily, he did. "Mig....the fire" I said, already feeling my anxiety creep in.

"Evan" Miguel was sniffling. "What? Tell me" I demanded, my hands starting to tremble. He cried harder.

"C-Cassandra in the OT. C-Come here" he sobbed, hiccupping in between. My heart shattered in a million pieces.

"Which hospital?" I asked, rushing out of the college and to my car. He gave me a name and drove as fast as I could.

"Cassandra Hills. She was in a fire. Admitted today" I said at the reception as soon as I reached. The receptionist gave me a floor and room number and I rushed.

"Evander!" Silas acknowledged me first, throwing himself into my arms. Miguel was second, both sobbing equally hard.

"I-Is she o-okay?" I questioned, my own breathing picking up speed. "Don't know. The doctors are still in there" Mig said.

I could tell that the two of them had been crying for a while now. I made them sit down and gave them both a glass of water.

I also want to cry. But then who would take care of the other two? Silas and Miguel are clearly broken, I can't afford to break down too.

The light of the OT suddenly went off and the doctors came out. "Is she okay?" I asked the doctor. "And who might you be?" she asked me.

"Her boyfriend" I replied. "Three boyfriends?" the doctor asked in shock. I could see the judgement in her eyes, but it wasn't important right now.

"Just tell me!" I demanded. "Well, she's alive. But we don't know when she will wake up. We will shift her to the ICU though" she replied.

"Why ICU?" Silas asked, still sitting because his legs were shaking terribly. "She has inhaled the toxic smoke. Her lungs are affected. We need to give her extra care as well as extra oxygen" the doctor replied.

"Will she be okay?" Mig asked, also sitting because he looked like he would faint any second now.

"I don't know. We have done our best. Now it's her body that needs to fight it" she replied. "What are the chances?" I asked.

The doctor sighed. "Not more than 30%" she said. My heart stopped. "You mean to say....30% chance of survival?" I whispered the second half of the sentence.

"Yes. But let's not lose hope. There's still a 30% chance right? Let's pray" she said and walked away. My legs gave away and I fell on the floor.

"Evan" Silas called, trying to walk to me, but he lost his balance himself, and fell back on the chair. Mig was hanging by a thread.

I gathered myself, walking to Miguel. I sat beside him, pulling his head on my lap. "Sleep" I said.

"But–" "Sleep Mig. When you wake up, it will all be fine" I said, knowing I was lying. But Miguel's body gave up, and he fell unconscious.

A weight fell on my shoulder, telling me Silas had fainted too. I could feel myself slipping in and out of consciousness, but I need to stay awake.

Please just let this be a dream.


It wasn't a dream. Half an hour later, the doctor said that we could see her. With great difficulty, I woke Silas and Miguel up.

We were currently sitting beside Cassandra's bed. I stared at her stress free face. This was not what I meant when I had asked her to take a break.

Miguel took her hand in his, kissing all around her knuckles and palm. Silas gently stroked her hair, his eyes filled with water.

I just sat there, still unable to believe what happened. And then, an involuntary sob escaped me, with a bunch of tears.

"Evan?" Silas called, pulling me into his chest. I can't stay strong anymore. I need to let these tears out too.

"Let it out baby. I'm here for you" Silas said, finally relieving me of the responsibility of being the strong one here.

I buried my face in his chest, my entire body shaking with my sobs. "S-Save her" I cried, clutching Silas' shirt hard.

He kissed in my hair and I felt a tear drop fall onto my forehead. "She'll be fine" Silas said, but I could hear the uncertainty in his voice.

"S-She was telling me t-today morning that she w-wanted to buy a-a b-bike for me so that w-we could g-go on dates t-together" I sobbed harder.

"Mhm" Silas hummed, wrapping his arm tighter around me. "You can go when she wakes up okay?" he said, rubbing his hand on my back.

He said when, not if. There's a chance.

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