Painful Punishment

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Third Person POV:

The boys looked at Cas as if she had grown three heads. Silas' hand trembled, Miguel's breath hitched, and Evan froze.

"W-What?" Miguel could barely speak. But neither did Cas' voice falter, nor did her determined eyes. "You heard me" she said clearly.

"Cas we can't–"

"You said you'd do anything to get my forgiveness Silas. Do this, and I'll forgive you" she said, using Silas' own words against him.

"But we love you!" Evan reasoned. "I know. And I am a bad girlfriend for not trusting you, right? So punish me" she repeated yet again.

"Cas please" Mig begged with glossy eyes. He was barely holding his tears back. He knew he couldn't do this.

"Fine, don't do it" Cas said, making the boys take a breath of relief. "But know very well then, this will be the last night I will call you three mine."

And just like that, their relief was taken away from them. "No please. We're sorry Cas! We're sorry!" Evan cried, taking her hands in his.

She pulled her hands away and went and sat on the bed. "I gave you an option Evan. You are free to choose" she stated.

Evan looked at her with a pained look. Silas had never felt more tortured in his life. Miguel felt like death would be easier right now.

"Cassandra....." Silas whispered, walking forward towards her and crouching down at her feet. "Please don't. I'm begging you" he said.

"Why? You feel pain? Did you even imagine how much pain I am feeling right now? Not one, not two, but I feel betrayed by all three of you!" she spoke, letting her tears fall.

"Cas I promise! I promise we will never hurt you like this again. But please don't do this. Please!" Miguel cried, also falling at her feet.

Evan rushed forward, throwing himself at Cas. "Please Cas! Please! I'd rather die than do this!" he sobbed in her shoulder.

Cassandra's hand itched to go up and just kiss her crying boyfriend. But the pain in her heart was way more than the feeling of wanting to comfort her boys.

"Do the punishment, and I will forgive you" she said, slowly pulling away from the sobbing boys. All of them were in pain. All 4 of them.

Cassandra's heart was broken, begging for someone to heal it. But she was not ready to risk it being broken again, so she wasn't allowing it to heal.

Silas' heart was beating rapidly. There was pain in his heart, but the fear of losing the one he loves was way more. He was crying in fear.

Miguel was clueless. He had no idea why all this was happening or how he should fix it. He just wanted his Cas back. He was crying in helplessness.

Evan's heart was clenching. He wanted to tear open his chest and pull the paining heart away. He was crying in agony.

After a good few minutes of crying, Silas finally stood up. Wiping his tears, he looked his girlfriend directly in her eyes.

"Do it" Cas whispered, eyes landing on the paddle on the floor. Heartbroken, Silas picked up the tool.

He walked forward, picking Cas up and situating her on the bed. "Silas no! Have you lost it?!" Mig shouted.

"If I don't do this, we will definitely be losing her. And I can't handle that" he replied, looking back at Cas defeatedly.

"I will follow your command mistress. I will forever be yours and I promise to never be the reason for your broken heart again" he said.

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