Them As My Favorite YouTubers' Quotes

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Reekid: *Incoherent screeching/barking* (IShowSpeed)
Mully: "I'm going straight mode!" (Ranboo)
Josh: "Who do you think I am? Jesus?" (Sapnap)
Juicy: *Pretending to be a fish* "Bloop." (Tubbo_live)
Narrator: "Here's my grandma's blueberry muffin recipe-" (Corpse Husband)
Eddie: "Now that I've been so scared that I just gave birth-" (Charlie Slimecicle)
Gabby: "I'm red flavored now." (JuicyFruitSnacks) **It's every time she dies her hair lmao**
Smashing: "Time passes when you're with your pals!" (Sapnap)
Kevin: "If your wife dies of child bitch, can you press charges on the baby?" (JuicyFruitSnacks)

The Boys Preferences, ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz