CHAPTER 41: Blue Alert

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"Congratulations Victor." Ansh threw an arm over my shoulder. "Killed it in there, didn't you?"

"Saved it rather." My surgery was a success. The lady is stable. She's in and out of consciousness but that's just the drugs speaking. Her heart is stable and that's what matters. 

"Did you eat the meal your loving husband sent you?" He passed me a wicked smirk, so I did what any real friend would do—nudged him in his chest. "Ouch. I'm just concerned." 


"Sure you are." I did. He sent me an avocado and veggie sandwich and amazingly it reached me just in time. I was out of the O.R. for a break when Ansh came up with a packet of Uber Eats. At first, I thought he ordered himself something. I had even planned on snatching it from him and engulfing it in one go. But then, he handed it over to me and said Ahaan had ordered it for me and had also asked Ansh, to personally deliver it to me, so that it doesn't get lost in hospital chaos. 

The sandwich was wrapped in a sarang wrap. It had a small computerized note that said:
"A treat to fuel your day
Just a little reminder- You got this ;)"

I immediately sent him a picture of me with the still-wrapped sandwich. His reply was almost immediate. He asked me to have a coffee, as parcelling that would've been a waste because it would've turned cold by the time it'd have reached me. Besides, I like steaming hot coffees. If it were upto me, I'd have my food on the stove.

"Okay. Did you atleast have something at lunch? Or some snack?" His question seemed genuine.

"I had coffee. A dozen of them." I say rolling my eyes.

"I swear, one of these days, we're gonna die of cardiac arrest due to high caffeine." It's true. According to a survey doctors consume 400 mg more caffeine in a day, than an average adult.

"True that. So what do you say? Another cup?"

"I wouldn't say no to that. I have a date planned though." He passed me a wink. 

"Uh huhh. What kind of date?" Why did I ask that? "You know what, don't answer that." A giggle rumbled in his chest.

Muskaan met us in the common area between the girl's and boy's locker rooms. 

As we walked towards the Exit through the emergency room all our phones pinged. A red alert popped on the screen. 

"Damn it. Just when I thought it was a good day God decide, lets make it bad with a thunderstorm." I linger off.

"Don't worry. We'll give you a ride home." Muskaan put a hand over my shoulder.

Nope. Not with the date Ansh's planned for them. 

"No. I'll call a cab." I fish out my phone again and search for a cab but due to the rainstorm, the server is down. 

"You sure?" Ansh asks.

"Yeah. Don't worry. You guys can go." We wish each other goodbye and they leave the premises.

Oh no!

Even the metro would be empty due to rain. Not safe.

Just as I pull up another transport conglomerate website, my phone goes off with a call from Captain Clumsy.


"Congratulations on your achievement." I had texted him almost immediately after stepping out of the O.R. 

Hey! He was the reason I could pull it off.

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