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"Shall we get started?"

"Yeah." Before the mics in the room were turned on, Sora informed Tsukauchi not to mention the Pro Hero Hawkes in any way for fear that someone might be listening. He agreed, only under the agreement that they'd discuss it later in private.

"We've waited for today because you didn't wanna talk without your classmates here. Your request has been approved and they're with us right now, so please begin."

"May I start from the very beginning?" The detective nodded and gave her the floor. However, before she started talking, she slipped her hands from the cuffs and leaned back comfortably in the chair. "I want you to have some kind of trust in me and my cooperation, so there won't be any need for these."

"Figured you'd say that." Sora cocked a brow and watched as Tsukauchi slid a bright red, blue, and yellow hoodie across the table to her. "A friend brought this for you. It'll be our truce agreement." Sora brought the jacket onto her lap and squished the fabric in her hands like a stress toy. There was only one person in the class who would've brought her this. She smiled to herself and glanced past the detective.

"Thanks, Midoriya." She finally settled herself and made direct eye contact with Tsukauchi. "My name is Sora. Just Sora. It's the only thing I've ever known. I have no memory of my parents or family since I grew up on the streets. All for One found me and took me in when I was six. I didn't know who he or Shigaraki was since all I'd ever known was my own quirk, pretty much. I was given the last name Arashi so I could attend school and eventually, I learned what a hero was. And then a villain.

"It didn't take me long after that to realize that All for One was a supervillain and that he had been training Shigaraki to follow in his footsteps. And as much as I hated the idea, it was all I knew. I started training with them and helping them with their plans. I never directly got involved, but I was always behind the scenes. I didn't think I could ever get away from him.

"Then, when I was nine, I met my guardian, Reina. She gave me a job and helped properly raise me even when she didn't have to."

"Does she know about your involvement with the League?"

"Yes. I trusted her with everything. She knew not to get the authorities involved or I could get hurt, but she was the one that inspired me to become a hero. She helped me put in my application to U.A. and helped me study for the entrance exams. Of course, when All for One found out I was planning on going to U.A., he figured I had some evil plan to help him take out All Might. That wasn't the intention, but I had to play both sides."

Sora furrowed her brows at the detective and frowned. "You know how terrifying he is, don't you?" Tsukauchi nodded. After Kamino ward, the whole world knew how horrifying and powerful he was. If not for All Might, they would've been doomed. Bakugou would've been doomed.

"So, he used you to infiltrate U.A.?" Sora sighed and nodded. "The USJ?"

"I hacked into the database during the emergency alarm at lunch and found out the date and time of all of U.A's All Might-related events. The plan was for the League to infiltrate the USJ and attack All Might but they went against their word and started attacking students. I figured that if it was just All Might they wanted, everything would be fine. I mean, there's no way they could've defeated him.

"And then we all got dragged into it... I'm really sorry for that."

"And then the summer camp?" Sora gulped. She did and didn't have any involvement at the same time.

"I had stolen the original information before it was changed, so I don't know how they knew about the new location."

"How did you know about it, then? You were there, weren't you?"

"I used my quirk to locate Bakugou's cell signal to the facility. I knew they were targeting him but I thought the students would be able to pull through..."

"And why didn't you get involved and save him the first time?"

"Because Kurogiri would've taken Reina if I'd been spotted there. Waiting was the most optimal choice to save everyone's lives."

"I see..." Tsukauchi reached under the table to grab a small case and set it on the table; the same case that Sora had brought with her to the dorms. He carefully opened it up and spun it around to face her. "Wanna tell me about these?"

"These," she picked one up out of the case and held it in the light. To most of the students, it was no more than a weird bullet with some kind of injection, But to some, it was all too familiar "These bullets disable one's quirk for twenty-four hours." She set it back in the case and gave the detective a weird look. "May I?" He nodded and watched as the girl painfully peeled her shirt from her body, leaving her in just a bra so that everyone could see her marred skin. "A couple of you have already seen this, but this drug was administered to me every day for the last two months to keep me from escaping the League."

Her body was covered in tiny scars from each bullet as well as larger puncture wounds from Toga's large syringe. The sight made Bakugou want to vomit so badly that he had to cover his mouth with his hand. He had never seen her skin anything but perfect, so this really shook him up. His guilt returned once more as he stared at her. This was all his fault... "Every time the drug expired, Himiko Toga came to take my blood and shoot me back up."

"How much blood do you think she has of yours?" Sora's eyes turned dark and an obvious frown pulled her whole face down.

"More than I do." She ran her fingers through her hair and replaced her clothes, this time throwing the gifted hoodie on as well. It was adorable how the ears stood up on top of her head. "One day she just didn't come. Mr. Compress came in her place, but he was too late. I tracked Bakugou's phone again and then I ended up at the new dorms."

Sora leaned in close to the table, her expression seriously steeled. "I wanna make this clear. I have every intention of becoming a hero, regardless of my past. I came to U.A. for that reason, and that reason only."

"Okay," he nodded. "To be honest, Sora, we've already been contacted by the Hero Public Safety Commission in your stead. They're working to keep you innocent but the government is already setting up a court date for your prosecution. However, until then, they've requested you remain secure at U.A. under pro hero Eraserhead."

"I see," she mimicked him.

"I'm on your side. I believe that your efforts in securing the safety of your classmate trump any of your other actions, but it's not up to me or the police force. We won't know the date until right before, but just be ready for us to come and get you, okay?" She nodded. She knew he was a personal friend of All Might's, but she wasn't expecting him to be so kind and helpful. "The Hero Public Safety Commission will come to work with you for your case, but until then, you're prohibited from using your quirk."

Sora went to open her mouth but was stopped by the man. "Even minor inconveniences. No spying, no charging phones, nothing." She shut her mouth and nodded. "Anything else you'd like to say before they leave?"

The class watched as Sora's eyes gazed through the glass. Somehow, she'd managed to stare right at the blonde, even if she didn't know it. He really, really felt like throwing up his breakfast.


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