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Minutes turned into hours and hours turned into days until Sora finally became fed up with chasing Hawks around like his other servants. Sure, Sora was fast and always right behind the Pro Hero, but it was like he knew where crimes would occur before they did. She just couldn't compete with someone who knew the area and the population so well. After the third day, she'd had enough.

"That's all for today." Hawks was quick to dismiss his sidekicks and two U.A interns. Tokoyami spun to follow the crowd with a scowl until Sora gripped his arm and yanked him back. However, she remained silent until all of the sidekicks had vacated the room.

"What is your problem?" Tokoyami was shocked at the tone she dared to use against a Pro Hero. On the other side of the desk, Hawks merely cocked a wild eyebrow. "You brought us all the way here just to neglect us?! This was supposed to be a learning experience, dammit!"

The blonde hero leaned his cheek against the palm of his hand and focused his eyes on the male student.

"Return to your hotel." Tokoyami was quick to follow orders and shut the door on his way out. This left Sora confused as to why she needed to be alone with the young pro. "He's already heard this. I invited students from class 1-A because I wanted to talk about the League of Villains in which Tokoyami already filled me in."

"Then why am I here?" Hawks began to play with his feathers, some of which were small and floated around him and another which was long and sharp-looking. He turned his focus to the larger feather in his hands.

"I'm a top Pro Hero with a lot on my plate. Did you guys really think I had time for interns?" Sora's bright blue eyes dimmed. "This is a really big investigation, especially since you kids keep getting dragged into it and seem to be targeted. Then, comes you." Hawks stood from his desk chair and leaned against his palms on the thick wood. His right hand remained secured around the larger feather. "I wanted to ask you a few questions," his eyes narrowed on hers, "about the traitor within 1-A."

Sora felt her heart drop to the floor. His words alone were enough to knock the air from her lungs. "Ring a bell?"

"I-I―!" The smaller feathers that had been floating around were now pinning the material of Sora's hero costume to the wall behind her. She managed to escape using her quirk, but it was all calculated on the other end of the battle. Hawks predicted where she would jump to and trapped her on the floor beside his desk. The large feather was then pressed up against her neck with a hard sensation completely opposite to the airy and soft nature of a feather.

"Start talking," he demanded, but Sora's palms were already in his view. Her eyes were blown wide with fear and her irises were losing their glow as she tried to calm down. She knew she was at a disadvantage in her situation and needed to come clean.

"Wait! Wait!" She was panicking at this point. "Fine! I'll talk!" Hawk remained stoic but relaxed his grip on the girl just a bit. "My name is Sora―just Sora! Arashi was given to me by the League so I could put it on my school forms. They picked me up off the street when I was a kid and raised me but I didn't know about them being villains until a couple of years ago. I don't wanna be like them! That's why I enrolled in U.A so I can take them down."

"If you don't want to be a villain, then why are you still with them?" The female slumped against the floor, her head finally resting against the hardwood. She released a deep sigh.

"They'll kill her," she whispered.


"My guardian. Reina. If I try to defect, they'll go after her."

"So, instead, you stole U.A's confidential files for them?"

"Yes," she exclaimed, "but that's all I did. I never knew they were planning to attack students or kill anyone other than All Might, but they're too weak to pull it off so I figured everything would turn out okay."

The blonde male groaned and threw his head back, leaning his weight so he was sitting on his ankles. "I-I know it sounds like an excuse, but I really do want to become a her―!"

"I believe you." Sora released a small "huh" sound and furrowed her brows as she looked up at him. "Otherwise you wouldn't be so flustered. I can tell that what you're saying is the truth."

Yeah, and I'm definitely not flustered because a hot man is on top of me.

"I'm sorry." Hawks made a confused scowl and helped the girl to her feet. "Ya know, for being disrespectful and all."

"No worries." He walked back to his seat at the desk. "Listen Sora. If you stay involved with the League, things are gonna start getting really messy. The truth will come out eventually."

"I know. I just have to wait it out long enough to get my Provisional License and then I can really start working against them."

"You might not have that much time," he mumbled. "Here's what we're gonna do." He locked his golden eyes with her blue ones. "This secret is gonna stay between you and me. Something tells me that you won't last until the Provisional License Exams before being found out. So, I'll work with the organization that I'm under and keep you protected if it comes to that."

"And if I do make it to the Exams?"

"Then all is fine and you continue on your journey to heroism" he waved his hand back and forth. Then, he suddenly turned very serious. "This is a very dangerous game you're playing and there's bound to be some pretty harsh consequences, understand? I'll do what I can, but there's no guarantee of how this will end."

"I know." She straightened out her shoulders and stood tall. "I'll do whatever it takes to bring them down."

"You're in high spirits." Sora snickered at the familiar grumpy tone that escaped the, for once, poised male. The female scanned him up and down, finding that his typical chaotic school uniform greatly contrasted the slicked blonde hair that usually exploded like his attitude. She felt a laugh bubble up in her throat but was stopped by a threatening growl from him. "Don't fucking say anything. I already tried to fix it but it won't go back to normal."

Sora tucked her face away from him and giggled to herself. "Hey!"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I can't help it!" Katsuki found one of his hands furiously rubbing around her silver locks in an attempt to make her look as stupid as him. "Stop it!" After struggling to shove him away, he finally stopped attacking her and pouted while she continued to grin at him. "It's not that bad, Katsuki."

"It's terrible." Sora sighed and crossed her arms.

"Yeah, you're right. I told you that you wouldn't like him."

"I thought I was gonna learn how to be a hero from a pro, not play dress-up!" Sora winced at the blonde's volume, using her hands to try and calm him.

"Relax. I'm pretty sure we all got a whole lot of nothing from our trips." The two fell into step with each other and made their way toward the famous 1-A classroom.

"Is that so?" Bakugou cocked a brow. "Then what's got you so happy?"

Sora's brain momentarily froze. She was ecstatic that her internship ended in her new partnership with the Pro Hero Hawks, but she couldn't tell Katsuki about it and she knew that. It would raise too many questions that she can't answer without giving herself away. She just offered him a tight-lipped smile.

"Hawks wasn't as big of an asshole as I thought he was and it looks like he might want me to go back and work with him. But that's just a possibility."

"Huh?" The boy snarled. "That bird fucker better not get any ideas..." Sora was quick to catch his hand before he could shove it in his pocket and gave it a tight squeeze.

"Don't worry so much. You're ranked higher on my list than he is." Katsuki squeezed her hand before dropping it back at her side.

"Damn fucking right I am."

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