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"In first place, Team Midoriya!

In second place, Team Todoroki!

In third place, Team Bakugou!

And in fourth place, Team Test―Hey! It's Team Shinsou!"

Midoriya dropped to his knees and cried his eyes out. Meanwhile, Sora faded in and out of consciousness, not worrying for a second about the river of blood flowing from her left nostril. "The first four teams will move on to the final event!"Sora focused solely on standing up straight. She didn't want anyone coming up to her and babying her. She wanted to be left alone. But her swaying form didn't go unnoticed by a certain blonde.

All of the students then began moving into the stadium to eat lunch, but Sora strayed away and tried her best to find Recovery Girl's quarters. She needed some major healing and a damn nap.

"Come on! Wake up!" The old lady roused the girl from her slumber and began shoving her out of the nurse's office. "It's time for you to go down and find out who you're fighting!" Sora smiled gratefully down at the old woman. She gave a deep bow.

"Thank you for taking care of me." Without another word, she left the room and made her way out to the field where the rest of the first-years waited.

"Now, we're going to draw to determine the pairings," Midnight informed. "So, contestants, we're going to continue the recreational events before beginning the tournament. The sixteen participants from the tournament can choose to abstain from the recreational events if they so choose. There's no problem if you'd like to rest and save your energy.

"So, we begin with the team that got first place―!" Ojiro shot his hand up and interrupted the teacher to withdraw from the tournament. Sora couldn't give two shits about his pride and simply wanted to start fighting to knock Bakugou down a peg. She was still furious with him. What a scumbag. And he hadn't tried to approach her even once since she began ignoring him. Not that she cared.

"What innocent words," Midnight said darkly. She then cracked her whip. "I liked them! I accept Shouda and Ojiro's resignation!" After a quick debate of the runner-ups, it was decided who would be joining the sixteen. "So, Tetsutetsu and Shiozaki are now part of the top sixteen! Let's show the pairings!"

Midoriya vs. Shinsou

Todoroki vs. Sero

Shiozaki vs. Kaminari

Iida vs. Aoyama

Ashido vs. Sora

Tokoyami vs. Yaoyorozu

Tetsutetsu vs. Kirishima

Uraraka vs. Bakugou

The silver-haired girl stared blankly at her matchup. She knew she could easily take Mina and she had figured out Tokoyami's weakness during their partnership in the last round. Sora knew he'd beat out Yaoyorozu. Pit against each other, it was clear he had more combative skills. Sora made herself scarce and found a good spot within the stadium to recharge since she had just woken up and didn't eat during the break. Her spot also happened to be the waiting room for the upcoming matches in which Midoriya sat with Ojiro who explained Shinsou's quirk to him.

The girl could practically feel the nerves radiating off of the green bean but was quick to assure him that his strength was sure to overpower the General Ed student. Even after Midoriya left for his match, Sora continued to sit there. She didn't need to know the outcomes of any of the battles. She was gonna wipe the floor with whoever stood against her and that was a damn promise.

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