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Sora thought back to every wrong she'd ever committed. All the way back from the ripe age of four up until now. How her villainous past brought her to where she was now. The fruit of all of her actions brought her to this very point.

As far back as she could remember, Mr. Sakanoshita was the first person in her memories. In fact, he was probably the first person she'd ever actually spoken to. Now, why was she talking to a stranger at four years old? She didn't know the answer to that question either. Whatever family she'd had had abandoned her on the street, dumping their child and pretending like she never existed.

Was she an annoying brat? Did she cry a lot as a baby? Did she break up her parents' relationship? She had no idea. But whatever it was, it was enough for them to wish she never existed.

Sora knew from a young age that people slowly start to lose pity for people as they get older. Her first few months on the streets of Shibuya were better than others who lived there. Women and parents would see the helpless little girl and offer her food and goodies. It wasn't much, but it kept her fed. It kept her alive.

It wasn't until she started growing more that she was receiving less and less attention from passersby. Instead of the pitiful glances of sorrow, they looked at her with disgust. Who let their raggedy kid beg around like this? It was truly dishonorable.

So, she began to take things into her own hands. She would use her small size to slip between aisles of small markets and snatch whatever snacks she could get away with. There was never any bad intentions to it. She was just hungry.

Fast forward to a month after her self-proclaimed fifth birthday, she wandered into another convenience store on the corner and began her usual swindling. Again, there was no malicious intent. She just needed to eat like everyone else.

"Stop right there, brat!" Sora could feel the hairs on the back of her neck stand up at the loud yell. Her body trembled at the sound, frozen in place. Her worst fear of getting caught had finally come to life. She hesitantly turned around, her greasy silver hair falling from behind her ear. Through her dark blue eyes, she found an older man, probably in his fifties or sixties with a rolled newspaper in his right hand.

He was about to yell at her again, pointing the newspaper in her direction. However, he stopped when he noticed the tears threatening to fall from her eyes as her little fingers clutched tightly to the small bag of chips. He faltered, finally taking note of her dirty clothes and scarily pale skin. The bags under her eyes were so prevalent and dark, it looked like she had just lost a fight with two black eyes.

Before he knew it, he was in the restroom with her, helping clean her up a bit and learning her life story. From that point on, he would turn a blind eye to her when she'd snatch a couple things here and there. He even put his own money in the drawer so no one would know any better. Mr. Sakanoshita couldn't take care of a child, but he could at least make sure she was still alive.

A few years later, Sora had been found by All For One and Shimura Tenko. At the time, the girl was far too young to discern the difference between a hero and a villain. In fact, she didn't even know what the words meant. All she knew was that All For One had taken her in; given her food, clothing, shelter, education, power...

She didn't know when, but her electricity quirk had manifested without her even knowing it. It laid dormant within her until the older man coaxed it out of hiding. Now that she looks back on it, it probably first reacted out of fear due to the man's power.

He had trained her and taught her everything he knew, from combat to social skills. He was gonna turn her into the world's strongest soldier.

Then, she was seven. She had begun to formulate plans and work behind the scenes for All For One's plans and he had officially placed her under Shigaraki as his first soldier. After that, all she knew was a life of crime, even if she had no clue what it meant.

Two years later, she was nine―almost ten―and she was back to stealing snacks from convenience stores even though she was no longer starving. She was simply reverting back to her old ways. Little did she know that a middle-aged woman would change her life forever that day. Reina... The one who taught her good versus evil, hero versus villain. The woman who put her into school so she could get some kind of education. The woman who offered her a paid job so she could support herself somewhat. The woman who inspired her to be a hero.

Reina... The woman who had her back with everything, evening after finding out who she was associated with. The woman she could trust her life with. That was when everything changed.

Sora looked up at Bakugou as she got smaller and smaller, her momentum finally giving out and letting gravity take hold. The girl plummeted from the air, barely hearing Midoriya's voice screaming her name. She had no more power to make any more jumps. She didn't even have enough power to save herself from the fall. However, she felt weightless; like she no longer had to worry. If she hit the ground, there was a very slim chance that she'd survive. And if she did, her body would be in shambles from the impact.

She watched as the group disappeared to safety, meaning she no longer had to worry if Bakugou was gonna make it home. If he was safe, that's all that mattered to her. Sora looked up to the sky one final time, the wind whipping her silver hair against her face. If this was the end, she would accept it.

Sora shut her hazy blue eyes and revelled in the feeling of the air at her back. She was finally free. Finally free from the pain, the torture, the suffering. She couldn't even feel the impact. What had been had been, and there was no conscious to feel any sort of pain.

She was free.

Hi everyone! Sorry for being gone on such a long hiatus. I am back and ready to get this shit rolling again. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! 😈

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