Chapter Fifty-Four

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"Mother! What is going on mother!" Sesshomaru panicked as she let out another horrifying scream.

Lady Inukimi ignored Sesshomaru as she had spread open her legs and took off her pants and underwear.

"Mommy!" Rin yelled running to them.

"Stay back Rin!" Inukimi yelled as Rin stopped in her tracks.

"Yumi! Your going to have to push!"

"What?! They are coming now?! Ahhhh! It hurts! Sesshomaru!"

"I am here! I am right with you Yumi!"

"I don't understand, no warning once so ever, Yumi push! Push Yumi!" She shouted causing Yumi to scream out as she pushed.

The clouds were darkening but nobody seemed to notice as everyone was too focused on Yumi.

Lighting began to struck along with thunder as a demonic aurora could be sensed.

"Push again Yumi!" She yelled as Yumi yelled as she pushed once more.

"I CANT DO THIS ANYMORE!" She cried as Sesshomaru kissed her forehead.

"Oh my! I see a head! A patch of silver hair! Push it again Yumi come on!"

"You can do it Yumi!" Sesshomaru encouraged as laughter could be heard among the dark skies.

"Yes you can Yumi, give birth to them, give birth to your children," the sound of Naraku was heard from above the clouds.

Sesshomaru looked up angrily.

"NARAKU! WHAT IS IN YOUR PLAN THIS TIME INVOLVING MY CHILD?!" He question angrily just as Yumi screamed once more.

"Come on Yumi, push, please push," Inukimi said as laughter was heard once more.

Just then a sound of crying was heard as Yumi placed her head down and took a deep breath.

"It's a boy!" Inukimi announced as Yumi eyes were becoming blurry.

The baby looked just like Sesshomaru from what she could see as she held her head up, he had small silver hair with a crescent moon and two streaks on each side.

Yumi started screaming again.

"What?! Another?!" The group yelled as Yumi's screaming intensified.

It feels like she was being ripped from the inside out.


Yumi let out a scream as she pushed harder with all her might.


"YOU CAN DO IT MOMMY!" Rin yelled.

"Come on Yumi hold on for just a little longer," Sesshomaru said gripping onto her hand as she squeezed with all her might as she screamed as soon as crying was heard.

"It's a girl!" Inukimi shouted as the two children were now crying.

"Finally," the voice of Naraku was heard just as a tentacle was launched down and into her stomach.

Sesshomaru's eyes widened in terror as everyone else gasped. Yumi was coughing up blood as her body was being lifted above.

"NO! NO YUMI!" Sesshomaru shouted as she was knocked Unconscious and into the air.

Soon Naraku was in the air as he held onto her in his arms.

"YOU SCUM I WILL KILL YOU!" Sesshomaru shouted eyes glowing red as his face began to transform.

"Careful Sesshomaru if you try to kill me now I will just take those children from you and raise them myself to hate the both of you," he laughed stopping Sesshomaru in his tracks.

"What do you want from my wife?! Why her?!"

"Isn't it obvious Sesshomaru?" He laughs as he was disappearing in a cloud of smoke.

"NARAKU! YOU WONT GET YUMI THIS TIME!" The voice of Inuyasha shouted as he jumped in the air.

"WIND SCAR!" He shouted as Sesshomaru's eyes widened.

He quickly went towards Naraku and Yumi knowing that he wasn't going to put up a barrier to protect himself and withdraw his sword. He deflected the attack as Inuyasha's eyes widened.



"You are correct Sesshomaru, no matter I shall keep Yumi safe under my care," he said before disappearing completely as the clouds were back to being blue.

Sesshomaru gripped onto his sword defeated as he floated back down to the ground.

"Sesshomaru! What on earth happened? Why couldn't you take down Naraku?!"

"He threatened to take my child and raise it as his own if I tried taking Yumi from him,"

"You mean-"

"There there it'll be okay we shall get mommy back, precious babies,"

"I thought she was seven months pregnant?" Inuyasha asked shocked as the two walked over to Inukimi.

She was holding both babies who looked exactly like Sesshomaru. Silver hair, golden eyes, a crescent moon, two demon marks on each cheek. They were big and healthy.

"Inumaru and Saome," Sesshomaru muttered grabbing them from his mother.

They instantly quieted down with Sesshomaru's touch.

"Sesshomaru they are beautiful," Kagome said tears in her eyes.

"Yumi outdid herself its sad she couldn't be here to see this," Sango said tears also in her eyes.

Sesshomaru's bangs covered his eyes they  were right they were beautiful which is why he couldn't take them with him.

"Mother?" He called after awhile.

"Yes?" She asked looking over at her son who looked down at his children.

He handed them back over to her who instantly started to cry.

"Keep Inumaru, Saome, Rin and Jaken safe," he said gripping onto his sword.


"I will obtain my wife back and Naraku's head," he said before flying away.

"SESSHOMARU WAIT!" Inuyasha called but it was too late as he had already left.

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