Chapter Twenty-Two

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"Okay maybe I was out of line I know she's yours Sesshomaru, but I still can't help but feel drawn to her. I've been worried none stop about her I had to come see to make sure she's alright,"

"Now you've saw, get out," he growls as Sesshomaru placed his sword away.

Inuyasha sighed looking over at Yumi one more time before heading out.

"That stupid half dog demon who the hell does he think he is?!" Sesshomaru growled furiously.

"Babe it's okay. I'm not going anywhere I don't know what's up with Inuyasha,"

"You mean you didn't see it?"

"See what?"

"The way he looked at you like he was in love with you or something,"

Yumi laughed.

"Your joking I'm his sister in law besides he's all over Kagome no need to worry Sesshomaru your the only man for me,"'she said grabbing onto his arm as he groaned in annoyance.

The half demon known as Naraku watched from afar at the interaction. He was determined to take back what belongs to him but Sesshomaru has yet to even leave her side, not only will he take Yumi but take Rin as well as the ultimate plan. He laughed to himself.

"It would be so ashamed if you had to choose between the two, seeing as how Yumi is so fond of Rin, he'd clearly do anything she wishes thus Sesshomaru your wife is mine," Naraku laughs watching as they walked further from him.

"So what's our objective today my love?"

"Our objective?"

"Can we go fishing Lady Yumi and Lord Sesshomaru?" Rin asked causing Yumi to giggle as she jumped up and down.

"Of course Rin! Fantastic idea come on a river is up ahead," Yumi tells her as she gave her a piggy back ride and ran ahead.

Sesshomaru sighed but couldn't help but have a small smile on his face.

"That woman, I'll never understand her or why she would want a human as a companion let alone a human child,"

"Jaken," Sesshomaru says causing him to freeze. "Do not speak Ill of my wife and her choices do you understand me?"

"Y-Yes My lord I don't know what I was thinking,"

When Sesshomaru, Jaken and A-Un caught up the girls were in the river splashing around and having fun while catching fish.

"COME JOIN IN MASTER JAKEN!" Rin shouted laughing as she caught another fish.

Jaken didn't hesitate to come along with as Sesshomaru sat against the tree watching them. He had to suppress a laugh at Jaken's failed attempt at catching fish as Yumi was trying to teach him before Rin took over on the teaching.

"Sesshomaru come on!" Yumi said smiling.. 

Sesshomaru looked over at her and shook his head as Yumi huffed and began running over to him.

"Don't be a dog! Come on let's have fun!" Yumi says pulling Sesshomaru along with her but he got out of her grasp just before his feet could hit the water.

Yumi turned around and pouted.

"Come on Yumi you know I don't do water,"

"Just this once please, we're having so much fun you'd complete the puzzle honey," Yumi begged looking at Sesshomaru with puppy dog eyes. 

"No that's not gonna work on me," Sesshomaru said  trying to resist the look but Yumi only got closer to his face.

Before Sesshomaru could give in however, a whirlwind made its way over along with wolves and wolf men! Yumi blinked in surprise looking up at them as a wolf demon came out of the whirlwind.

"No wonder why I smelled dog it's you two," The wolf demon said in disgust as Yumi growled.

"Gotta a problem with dog demons Wolf boy?"

"Yeah, I run into a half demon dog everyday, speaking of why do you look like him? Inuyasha? The only thing missing is the dog ears,"

"How dare you insult my husband wolf boy! Let me tell you this my man is nothing like Inuyasha he is a full fledged demon!"

"Husband? That's too bad your actually a cute looking dog,"

"Why are you here?" Sesshomaru asked giving him a glare.

"We wanted some food, but I see that this is occupied," he said looking at the river as Yumi saw Rin hiding behind Jaken afraid.

Yumi frowned.

"You..... wolf demon," Yumi says putting it together as she stepped towards him.

Yumi placed her hand in a fist before punching him hard in the face causing him to fly back 20 feet, a low growl was heard as Yumi eyes turned red and wind began blowing.

"Your the one, your the one that killed Rin," she growled before changing into her full dog demon form.

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