Chapter Twenty-Five

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Sesshomaru took both Rin and Yumi up in the air with both in his arms.

He landed once he knew it was safe.

"YOU WONT GET AWAY!" Kagura shouted.

"Yumi take Rin and leave,"

"But..... what about you?"

"I'll be fine just go I'll follow your scent once finished here,"

"Please be safe," she said kissing him on the cheek.

"Come Rin," Yumi said picking Rin up before dashing away.

"How sweet you don't want her in harms way," Kagura says as Sesshomaru stood there motionless.

"You'll never get your filthy hands on her,"

"Not I of course not," she smirks before handling her tornado winds.

Sesshomaru jumped high enough to dodge the incoming attack. He began swinging his sword at Kagura who only dodged his on coming attacks.

Inuyasha, who was still there began aiding his brother.

"Stay away half breed!"

"Oh shut up and accept my help for once Sesshomaru!" Inuyasha said swinging his sword. "WIND SCAR!"

Kagura flew up in the air with her feather before the attack could hit her. A loud scream was sounded from a far distance causing Sesshomaru to turn his head.

"FOOLS!" Kagura shouted before pointing her Dance of dragons at Sesshomaru and Inuyasha.

"OUT OF THE WAY!" Sesshomaru yelled shocking everyone as he took the blow instead.

"LORD SESSHOMARU!" Jaken couldn't help but yell for his master.

Meanwhile Naraku had blocked off Rin and Yumi the real Naraku as he knocked Yumi unconscious when he hit his tentacle at Rin, causing her to be the one who screamed when Yumi turned around and took the blow to the back instead. She laid on the ground holding onto Rin as she moved away from Yumi and Shook her back in forth.

Naraku only laughed.

"I knew she would protect you, I didn't want to hear her complain," he says wrapping a tenticle around her foot.

"NO! LORD SESSHOMARU!" Rin shouted trying to grab onto Yumi's hand but another tenticle was wrapped around her foot as she screamed.

Before she was dragged to Naraku, the tenticle was chopped off by Sesshomaru himself, he grabbed Rin and sliced the other tenticle that was holding Yumi and had her in his arms as well.

"Vermin," Sesshomaru growled with cuts and bruises on his face.

"Did Kagura fail at the plan?"

"No she's just occupied with that half breed Inuyasha, why do you want my wife Naraku?"

"She's beautiful...... I've had my eyes on her for centuries now, just waiting for the right time to strike!" He said throwing a tenticle Sesshomaru's way but he only dodged.

"YOU CANT KEEP THIS UP!" Naraku laughed throwing multiple tenticles at him as Sesshomaru was having a bit of a hard time holding both girls in his arms.

A tenticle wrapped around his leg however mid air and brought down hard to the ground making Yumi roll to Naraku's feet as Sessshomaru accidentally let go of her.

Naraku casually picks up an unconscious Yumi and placed her in his arms.

"GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF OF HER!" Sesshomaru shouted eyes glowing red.

He quickly placed Rin down and charged at Naraku who put up a barrier and got him landing on his feet. Naraku laughed as Sesshomaru started transforming.

"LET HER GO NARAKU!" Kagome shouts before flying an arrow at the barrier.

The arrow only got obsorbed into the barrier and shot right back out straight for Kagome, Surprisingly Sesshomaru deflected it as the arrow went upwards instead.

This gave Naraku the opportunity to grab Rin and place her inside the barrier as well.

"I GOT WHAT I WANTED!" Naraku laughed.

Rin began screaming.

"LORD SESSHOMARU!" She screamed before Naraku vanished with the two in his clutches.

"DAMN HIM!" Sesshomaru shouted throwing his fist to the ground.

Sesshomaru couldn't help but transform into his full dog form as he followed where Naraku went off too.

"WAIT A MINUTE SESSHOMARU!" Kagome yelled but Sesshomaru just ignored her.

"KAGOME! Are you okay?!" Inuyasha shouted as he looked to see Sesshomaru flying off in the distance.

"Yeah.... Believe it or not Sesshomaru saved me when I tried to get Yumi out of the barrier,"

"He saved you? What's with him saving everyone? First me then you? It's not like him at all,"

"Yumi is changing him Inuyasha..... but Naraku has both of them Yumi and Rin and Sesshomaru went after him full demon form."

"Sesshomaru is going to get himself killed! Come on they couldn't have gotten far!"

"You mean we'll rescue them?" Kagome asked with a smile.

"I may not like Yumi, but she's still apart of Sesshomaru's life and I don't want my sister in law to be in Naraku's evil clutches so yeah we're saving them,"

"Awww come now just admit you care,"

"NEVER!" He shouted before following after where Sesshomaru had went to.

A/N Chapter 35 will be the last chapter of the book!

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