Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Sesshomaru woke up and sat up but winced as he held onto his abdomen.

"Easy Sesshomaru, don't open your stitches," the Sound Of Inuyasha was heard as he looked around the hut.

"Where am I? why am I with the likes of you?"

"Hey can that stuff Sesshomaru! Inuyasha cares enough to at least get you back on your feet!" Kagome yelled coming over to the two of them.

"Lord Sesshomaru," he heard Rin's tiny voice sitting a few feet from him.

Rin held onto her dress he bought for her tears escaping her eyes.

"Where is she? Yumi?" He asked before groaning in pain as he layed back down.

Inuyasha sighed as Kagome looked away.

"I will not ask again! Where is Yumi?! My wife?!" He shouted ignoring the pain sitting up again.

"Naraku took her away we don't know where, after you collapsed our main focus was on you, didn't know if you were alive or dead on the Spot, we also had to check on Rin as well and when we turned to finish off Naraku, he and Yumi vanished along with the whole castle," Sango answered sitting on the corner with Miroku.

Sesshomaru sighed closing his eyes tight.

"She knew it would happen, I had to make a choice my wife or Rin, she told me to choose Rin but I hesitated, hesitated because I knew if I did.... I would never see Yumi again, but her love for Rin, is why she placed herself on the path to begin with, now she's with Naraku and I don't know if or when I will see or hear from her again. Something is always separating us it seems,"

"You can't give up Sesshomaru Yumi has to turn up at some point Naraku can't stay in hiding forever we'll get them, together," Inuyasha says holding an arm out for him with a smile.

Sesshomaru turned away and frowned at Inuyasha.

"This is my own battle, she's my wife I don't need help from you people especially," he said standing up ignoring the pain that followed through.

"You don't need to go through this alone Sesshomaru where are you going?!"

"LORD SESSHOMARU!" Rin shouted jumping up and running after him.

She looked out to see him struggling as he got down on his knees, groaned and collapsed to the ground. Inuyasha and the others ran out to see him on the ground.

"Big idiot," Inuyasha sighed before him and Miroku picked him up and dragged him back inside.

Yumi had gasped awake noticing she was in a dark place on the ground. It looked like she was in a cell but couldn't tell because it was so dark.

"I see you've awakened," the voice of Naraku was heard coming out of the shadows.

Yumi couldn't help but roll her eyes at Naraku. She was getting tired of him and just wanted to be with Sesshomaru.

"Where is Rin?" She was determined to ask not caring for her own safety.

"I can assure you she's safe with Sesshomaru, you on the other hand are a different story,"

"Why not just let me go?" She asks looking down at the ground.

"Your too valuable and you are Sesshomaru's weakness, I want to absorb his demonic energy and your the key to getting what I want,"

"Your crazy, he will never abide to you even for my sake,"

"Oh but I think he will, he will do anything just to have you back, but if we're getting personal I don't want you back with him,"

"Tech, I'd never submit to you Naraku your clearly not my type,"

"I have ways of making you fall in love with me, we will be together,"

"Can't take an already married woman Naraku, that's never gonna change,"

"I can assure you it will, the more you spend with me the more you'll fall for me, now be a good girl and stay here I'll send Kagura with some food," he said turning and walking away.

"Wait!" Yumi called not wanting to be left alone in the dark.

Naraku stopped but he didn't turn around.

"Yes Yumi?"

"Can you..... Can you turn the lights on at least Naraku? Please I don't want to be left alone in the dark,"

Naraku sighed before beginning to walk again.

"Fine, that's the only source of light you will receive," he says before disappearing completely.

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