Chapter Six

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Yumi was beyond annoyed at Sesshomaru at this point, always leaving her behind like she wasn't a strong demon.
Yumi was in the water soaking away when she heard voices. Familiar voices.
Kagome's head popped out of a bush as she blushed when seeing Yumi get out of the water.
"Kagome!" Inuyasha said but she covered his eyes.
Once Yumi was dressed she turned to face the bushes.
"You can come out now,"
Slowly both Kagome and Inuyasha came out of the bushes.
"What are you doing here?" She asked with hands on her hips.
"I wanted to bathe....... What are you doing here?"
"My damn husband left me here,"
This caused Inuyasha to laugh.
"You can't go on any missions with Sesshomaru? I thought y'all were inseparable?"
"We are, he didn't want me going because it's too dangerous,"
"So what he just left you and dropped you  here? How responsible is that?"
Yumi clenched her hands in a fist.
"Y'all can have it. I'm going after him,"
"In other news defy his order?"
Yumi growled.
"I take orders from no one dog breath,"
"Your a dog too stupid,"
They both stuck their tounges out at each other, causing Kagome to smile at the two. They remind her of her and her kid brother Sota sometimes.
"GOOD RIDDANCE YOU DOG!" Inuyasha yelled as Yumi walked away.
She waved not even paying any attention to Inuyasha as she followed the scent of her husband.
Yumi had finally caught up to them a little while later. She saw Sesshomaru and Jaken, as Sesshomaru picked up a dead head on the ground.
"Who could have done this?" She heard Jaken gasp in shock.
"Inuyasha, it reeks of his scent, looks like we're not alone," Sesshomaru said turning his head to the bush where Yumi was at.
"Yumi!" Sesshomaru called as she showed up.
"What are you doing here?"
"I could ask you the same question,"
"I told you to stay behind!"
"And as I've told Inuyasha I don't take orders from anybody,"
"Inuyasha? He was there with you?"
"And that weird girl he travels with yes. So that place wasn't safe, no way was I sharing a hot springs with them,"
Sesshomaru chuckled dropping the head as he walked over to Yumi and placed a hand on her cheek.
"Does this mean you forgive me for earlier?"
"As long as I come along,"
He sighed but smiled anyways.
"Just stay beside me please,"
"Always," she says smiling as Jaken rolled his eyes.
Sesshomaru seem to have caught it as he glared over at Jaken.
"Have something to say Jaken?"
"No me Lord," he responds as Sesshomaru picked up the head.
"So what's with the head my darling why are we taking it?"
He sighs.
"Well it's clear I can't protect you with this useless sword my father lend me, I need to make a new one and I'm going to ask Kaijinbo to provide a sword for us so I can protect you,"
Yumi softened her gaze as she stopped walking.
"Sesshomaru, you don't need to do that..... I can protect both of us,"
"I refuse to let anything or anyone take you I'm not losing you," he says before he continues walking.
This caused Yumi to smile as she happily traveled along side her husband.
"Say Sesshomaru," Yumi asked a little while later after silence.
"Yes Darling?"
"We've been together almost 201 years..... have you ever thought about Children with me?"
He chuckled.
"Of course I have it's just-"
"Just what?"
"I don't think it's safe to have any with a war going on right now. Once the lands become peaceful I would bear 5 children,"
"Eh?! Sesshomaru that's a little bit much don't you think? 2 will do just fine,"
"But if we were to have five our legacy will continue on for an eternity, our children will be powerful demons like ourselves and any demon who will cross them shall shiver in fear ,"
Yumi couldn't help but giggle at him.
"Oh Sesshomaru only deal is they have to be a few years apart,"
"Done deal not like we're gonna be having all five at once now, that be a bit much,"
"Imagine all the diaper changes," she giggled causing Sesshomaru to smile.

The Wife Of the Great Dog Demon (Sesshomaru)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon