Chapter Eleven

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Sesshomaru had no choice but to get Yumi to that old priestess Kaede. Yumi has been out for two days straight him and Rin were getting worried about her but it shocked Kaede the most to see Sesshomaru show up at her door step currently.

She has never seen him in such pain and worry on his face, but she has heard of his wife this is just the first time seeing her in person.

"Please," was all he said as Kaede sighed.

"Alright being her in," she said as he moved in the hut and gently placed her down on the ground. "What happened with er?"

"She was fighting a demon two days ago..... he had his arm around her planning on crushing her. She hasn't woken up since, please help, she's my wife,"

Kaede sighed before nodding her head. She went over to Yumi first to feel her pulse to see that she's still breathing then she went to feel her rib cage pressing down on one as she heard Yumi take a deep intake of breath.

"Just as I thought she's suffering from broken ribs, with her being a demon she is healing which is why she is taking a while to wake up,"

"Then it's settled we'll stay here until she's fully healed and awakened," Sesshomaru says looking over at his wife.

"Ye really care for her dont ya Sesshomaru?" She asked causing him to smile.

"More than you know, I will go get Rin and Jaken, I shall return would you watch her for me?"

"Of course,"

Once Sesshomaru left she sighed looking over at the peaceful dog demon who was sleeping.

"Ye rest easy now child, he will be back," she soothes as Yumi only took deep, shallow breaths.


Rin, Jaken, and Sesshomaru haven't left the Hut and Yumi hasn't awaken either. Sesshomaru was growing anxious, and worried that she might never even awaken. Rin and Jaken were eating some soup the priestess Kaede gave while Sesshomaru sat with his wife in his lap stroking her hair.

"Ye sure you want nothing to eat Sesshomaru?"

"I don't eat human food," he simply responds in a flat tone causing her to sigh.

"Lord Sesshomaru when will Lady Yumi awaken?" Rin asked upset. "It's been three days now,"

"Quiet Rin.... Nobody knows when she'll wake up!" Jaken says going back to eating his soup.

Sesshomaru ignored Rin's questions as he stroke her cheek. He feels like this was his fault none of this would have happened if that stupid bet was never made. None of this would have happened if he'd just admitted to her that he can't be without her.

"Yumi...... I'm sorry," he said before leaning down to capture her lips.

Gasps we're heard from Rin and Jaken as Kaede looked shocked to see Sesshomaru showing affection for the girl. Sesshomaru pulled away in time just to see Yumi's hand flinch.

A look of shock was on his face as she slowly opened her eyes.

"S-Sesshomaru," was the first thing she says placing a hand on his cheek.

"Yumi, my love," he says kissing her on the lips again with this time she was kissing him back just as much.

"What happened?" She asked panting as she pulled away.

"You were being stupid going after a demon you couldn't handle.... He crushed some of your ribs you've been out three days healing,"

"I'm sorry," Yumi says looking down. "I just wanted revenge cause he went after Kagome,"

"Hey look at me Yumi," Sesshomaru says causing her to turn her head to look at him. "I love you,"

This caused Yumi to smile as she nuzzled herself into Sesshomaru.

"I love you too,"

"Lady Yumi! I'm so glad your okay!" Rin says jumping in between the two as she hugged Yumi causing her to giggle.

"Hey there kid I'm glad to see you doing better! Oh my is that a new kimono?!" Yumi squealed hugging Rin tighter.

She giggled.

"Lord Sesshomaru bought it for me! Said he'd knew you'd like it!" She exclaims as Sesshomaru looked away blushing.

"Aww my handsome husband your too kind you know," Yumi says kissing his cheek as he growled.

"Am not I was just-"

"Thinking of me I know. Oh and by the way you lost," she giggled.

"Well I couldn't sit back and watch you get killed would I? And don't worry Rin didn't spill anything I found you myself,"

"I knew you would Sesshomaru couldn't even last a couple hours without me,"

"We're connected Yumi. I can feel when your in danger so that didn't count. I want a rematch,"

Yumi laughed as Kaede was smiling at the two. She enjoyed them and knows Sesshomaru isn't as bad as Inuyasha makes him out to be. He has a kind hearted soul and one thing is for certain with Lady Kaede. Lord Sesshomaru is in love, in love with the dog demon Queen of the Northern lands Lady Yumi.

A/N: HEADS UP SMUT IN THE NEZT CHAPTER! Which is why I rated this story Mature! 18+ Rated R for ExtReme! Lmao!

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