Chapter Twenty-One

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"Oh, hello mother," Yumi says sitting up as she noticed Sesshomaru's mom standing she had a tear run down her face as she ran towards Yumi and gave her a bone crushing hug.

"Oh my beloved Daughter I'm so glad your okay, I missed you so much and seeing you dead I couldn't leave you in the underworld," she cries as Yumi smiled.

"Awww I'm okay now thanks to you, it's good to see you,"

"It's good to see you as well. I must be off I only came here for your life to be restored, my dearest son can't live without his woman," she said causing Yumi to blush as Sesshomaru looked away.

"Goodbye mother, thank you," Sesshomaru said causing his mom to gasp as she turns to him and squealed grabbing onto his cheeks.

"My baby said thank you! Oh my you really are changing him sweetie!"

"Stop it mother," Sesshomaru says swatting her hands away as she pouted while Yumi smirked.

"Only I'm allowed to do that," Yumi said going over to Sesshomaru pinching his cheeks.

He was blushing madly as he calmly let go of her hands on his face.

"Enough we are going," Sesshomaru said quickly turning around.

"Thanks again mom! See you later!" Yumi waved before her and Rin waved goodbye and caught up to one another.

"Did you really have to do that in front of my mother?"  Sesshomaru asks glaring at Yumi.

"Your cute embarrassed you know Sesshomaru, besides your mom loves me after all she came all the way just to Revive me,"  

He smiled.

"She just loves you more than me, your the daughter she wanted,"

Yumi giggled.

"Your gonna tell me she wanted a daughter instead of a son?"

"Yes in fact my mother and father made a bet, if I came out as a girl Father would do everything mother would have wanted after birth, if I was a boy then my mother would have to be a sex slave for 6 months of my life,"

"A WHAT?!"

"My parents were a bit wild,"

"At least you had your parents," Yumi said frowning causing Sesshomaru to frown as well.

"Right, yours were assassinated before I had time to show myself. If I was there sooner maybe they could have lived and met me."

"It is what it is Sesshomaru. I still have fun with you ya know,"

"Yes, I know. I very much have fun with you as well my darling,"

"Master Jaken," Rin says looking up at her two admirers who were laughing and giggling.


"Do you think I'll find someone one day?"

"Of course Rin, everyone has specific partner, even though this was an arranged marriage they fit together perfectly,"

"Would I have to have an arranged marriage?" She asked gasping causing Yumi to turn and look at her.

"What are you talking about over there Rin?"

Jaken chuckled.

"Rin here thinks she would need an arranged marriage to find her perfect match," Jaken explained causing Yumi to giggle.

"No, Rin that's not it at all, you choose who you want to love, it just so happened to work out for the best for me and Sesshomaru, but most arrange marriages don't last too long, I can promise you that,"

"But you and Lord Sesshomaru lasted 200 years,"

"Correct, but we were just made for each other, and learned that the two of us can't live without the other, don't think to much about it Rin. You'll find your special someone one day, but right now your little,"

"Okay lady Yumi! I will be looking forward to finding my soulmate,"

"It's really fun," Yumi giggled causing her to giggle as well.

"Stop," Sesshomaru said placing his arm out in front of her.

Yumi blinked in surprise seeing Inuyasha standing in front of them and looking right at Yumi.

He began walking not saying a word as Sesshomaru let out a possessive growl with his hand on his hilt.

Inuyasha stopped three feet from them as he looked at her with a small smile.

"Are you okay? I've been worried about you a couple of days,"

"Worried about me? Why Inuyasha?"

"Well when I last saw you you were unconscious and bloody i asked Sesshomaru what happened but he didn't answer,"

"Kagura wanted Rin and I, I saved her from the Dance of Blades,"

"What?! Why would you be so stupid?!"

"I wasn't going to let her die! Just like you wouldn't let Kagome die, is that all Inuyasha I'm perfectly fine,"

"Why don't you travel with us? I mean I can keep you save and Kagome and Sango loves you, I figure you might want a new environment,"

A punch was sounded before Yumi could answer. Her eyes widened as Inuyasha slid 20 feet away from her as Sesshomaru had red eyes and was growling furiously.

"If you think you can take my wife from me Pathetic half breed you've got another thing comin," Sesshomaru said before drawing out his Sword.

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