Chapter Fifteen

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Yumi was surprised when she woke up, the last she remembers was protecting Rin from that woman's Dance of the Blades, and now she finds herself in a dark room with a pink light from outside.

"I see you've awakened," a voice she did not recognize say as she sat up from the bed she was in.

She looked to see a shadow of a man, with long black hair and deep red eyes, he was wearing a purple Kimono and honestly it freaked her out the way he was staring at her.

"Who are you?" Yumi demanded.

"You mean you don't know of me? I am the half demon known as Naraku,"

"Why have you taken me?"

"You are Sesshomaru's wife, and Sesshomaru is my enemy,"

"Ha, so you think by taking me Sesshomaru would do your bidding or something? How stupid are you? Let's get one thing straight about my husband, he does nothing for nobody so your wasting your time,"

"Oh but I'm not Ms. Yumi, I've been wanting you a long time now, I simply took you when he was away from you,"

"Why me?"

"Your elegant, beautiful, sexy, and filthy with that mouth of yours," he says walking closer with each sentence he said.


Yumi yelped when Naraku slapped her. She was so stunned as she held her already cut up cheek from the attack earlier.

"You are to speak when spoken too understand?!"

Yumi began growling as she looked at Naraku with red eyes, her mouth began changing shape as she was fixing to transform into her dog demon form.

"Transform and I'll have Kagura go kill that human you love so much..... Rin was it?"

"YOU LEAVE HER OUT OF THIS!" Yumi shouted coming back to her senses as she gasped when Naraku grabbed onto her neck and squeezed.

"You will learn to obey me while you are here so we have an understanding?" He says squeezing harder as Yumi found it difficult to breath.

She could feel her vision getting blurry as she had no choice but to slowly nod her head causing Naraku to drop her as she gasped for a much needed breath.

"You will be pleasuring me while your stay here is temporary understand?" Naraku asked before slamming the door as Yumi broke down crying.

She was hurt, missing Sesshomaru and no doubt has marks that'll last for weeks on her neck. Sesshomaru would be furious because someone like Naraku placed his hands on her.

Meanwhile Sesshomaru hasn't said a word to Rin nor Jaken, tension was in the air and Sesshomaru was ready to snap if someone dare talks to him. How dare that vermin have what belongs to him. He will not get away with it.

"Master Jaken, is Lord Sesshomaru upset?" Rin asked as Sesshomaru only walked faster when he picked up a scent of Naraku.

"Of course he is silly girl! Naraku took his wife, anyone who takes Yumi never lives to tell about it,"

"You mean he's going to kill Naraku? And that woman?"

"Precisely," Jaken said closing his eyes but opened them as he ran into Sesshomaru.

"I apologize my Lord, is something the matter?"

"Stay with Rin," he said in a cold harded voice as he was in a ball of light and left the two behind.

The door opened again and in came a boy who was a demon slayer. Yumi recognize him to be Kohaku, Sango's younger brother.


"How do you know me?"

"You don't remember me? You were pretty small the last I saw of you. I'm Lady Yumi, queen of the Northern Lands, wife to the great dog demon Sesshomaru?"

"Doesn't ring a bell. Anyways Naraku instructed me to give you this," he said handing her an outfit.

"What monstrosity is this?!" Yumi yelled looking at the very short Kimono handed to her.

"Just put it on, Naraku wants you to meet him at his chambers,"

"I'm not going!"

"You have to, just please go don't get him upset,"

"I'm not he can choke me, beat me, hell even kill me! I'm not surrendering myself to that low life freak! I am a proud married woman and I'm staying right here until Lord Sesshomaru saves me!"

Kohaku sighed.

"I tried to tell you, he told me he knew you'd say something like that, and he's already fetched Kagura to retrieve Young Rin and kill her for refusing him," Kohaku said causing Yumi to gasp.

"No..... no doubt Sesshomaru went to look for me on his own and left Rin alone with Jaken! Tell him to call it off!"

"Only if you agree to his terms, will he send Kagura back without a dead Rin,"

Yumi closed her eyes tight as tears streamed down her face.

"Alright..... fine..... I'll do as he says,"

"Good he expects you in five minutes," Kohaku said before turning to walk away.

A/N: My Sesshomaru story officially going off the charts! Thanks for the support guys makes me feel happy during my sick times! (Yes I have a common cold)

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