Chapter Twenty-Three

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Yumi charged at Koga in her full demon form. Koga haven't had enough time to react as she grabbed him by the teeth and threw him hard against a tree.

"KOGA!" His two comrades yelled in fear.

Yumi snarled at Koga as she looked at him with hunger and hatred.

"I'm not like that anymore okay! Call your wife off dog!" He yelled referring to Sesshomaru.

Just as Yumi pounced, Koga had moved away from the tree as she whined and hit her head against the trunk pretty hard causing her to split it open.

"MAGY MUTT!" Koga yelled before landing a hard kick to the jaw as she howled and went down. "That outta teach ya, I told you I ain't like that no more!"

Yumi began opening her eyes as she growled while getting up causing Koga's eyes to grow wide. She had quickly snatched Koga and roughly bit him in the shoulder before throwing him to the ground and stepping on his chest with her paw. It was to the point where he couldn't breathe.

"YUMI!" She heard her husband shout as she snarled at him with a bloody head.

Koga took this time to grab Yumi's paw and twist it causing her to howl in pain.

"YUMI!" Sesshomaru, Rin and Jaken yelled at once.

Yumi went down in pain as she was slowly morphing back to her old self. She grabbed onto her foot as she screamed in pain causing Sesshomaru to quickly run towards her and put out his sword to which Koga quickly dodged. After a few failed attempts Koga and his men has run away in fear.

"LADY YUMI!" Rin yelled running to her as Sesshomaru began running to her as well.

"I guess I deserve that one," She said out of breath as she grabbed onto her twisted foot.

"I'm going to twist it back in its place Yumi," Sesshomaru announce as Yumi shook her head.


"I have to, it's the only way for it to heal," Sesshomaru announced grabbing onto her foot.

"On three,"





"Lady Yumi, Hold my hand," Rin says as Yumi didn't hesitate to grab it.


A loud scream pierced the  air as everyone within miles could hear it.

Inuyasha was running with Kagome on his back until he heard a loud scream pierced the air causing the group to stop.

"What was that?"

"Should we follow it Inuyasha?" Kagome asked as he sniffed the air.

"Nah, it's Yumi and Sesshomaru I'm smelling,"

Sango gasped.

"We need to make sure she's okay, that scream sounded like she was in pain,"

"I agree come on Inuyasha that way,"

Sweat was beating down Yumi's face as  she limped on her foot with Sesshomaru carrying her with one arm around his shoulder.

"It'll heal right Sesshomaru? It's in so much pain, I've never experienced a broken foot actually surprised on that wolf," she says as Sesshomaru layed her down on Ah-Un.

"It'll heal my darling it'll be slow but it'll heal. You just rest up okay?" Sesshomaru asks placing a kiss on her forehead.

"YUMI! YUMI!" New voices sounded as Sesshomaru growled.

"Get away from here she's not feeling well," he says placing a hand on his sword.

"I can heal her Sesshomaru if you'd let me," The voice of Kagome sounded.

"Do as you wish," he said before placing his sword back where it belongs.

"Yumi," Kagome said running up to her. "What hurts?"

"My left foot Kagome," she says as Kagome placed her hands out and began her healing process.

Yumi began to sigh in relief.

"What happened to you?"

"I figure you'd ask, I was in a fight with Koga, he and his wolves killed young Rin. I wanted to end him, but Sesshomaru had called out to me causing Koga to twist my foot all the way around,"

"Koga killed Rin? Who is Rin?"

"That would be me Miss, my name is Rin, Will Lady Yumi be alright?" Rin asked from behind Kagome. "She's always getting hurt because of me," she said sadden.

"Rin, I would protect you with my life even if it costs me mine,"

"Don't say that! Lord Sesshomaru can't live without you Yumi! If you die no telling what he would do, so please don't die for me,"

"But I love you Rin, I can't ever let your life be taken, you have so much, if it ever comes down to my life or yours I'd give up mine,"

"Yumi," Sesshomaru says walking towards her. "Don't say such silly things, if anything they would have to go through me before hurting either of you.... How's your foot?" He asked as Yumi stood up without feeling pain.

"I feel great thank you Kagome," she bowed before Sesshomaru took her arm and pulled her towards him as she gasped when his arms wrapped around her waist.

Yumi snuggled into Sesshomaru hugging him back.

"I'm glad to see you better I'm sorry if I wasn't any help,"

Yumi smirked and held him close.

"Only because you know not to interfere in my battles, you remembered what happened 28 years ago don't you Sesshomaru?"

He shivered at the thought.

"That's why I didn't step in," he says causing Yumi to giggle as her lips went on his.

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