Chapter Thirty-Seven

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"My Lord you are wounded," Yumi said looking worried at the large cut on his arm that was bleeding.

"Nothing but a flesh wound my love, it's you I'm worried about," he said placing some hair behind her ear as he left his hand on her cheek.

She closed her eyes loving the feel of his touch.

"I'm okay Sesshomaru after all you and Inuyasha both protected me,"

"I had it under control," he sighs hating his baby brother stole the glory of Saving his wife.

"I know you did honey, just be thankful I didn't get taken again, I couldn't bare being without you again," she said placing her arms around his torso as Sesshomaru gave in and hugged her back just as tight.

"I couldn't bare it, I couldn't bare losing you to Naraku again,"

"You won't my love, I promise," she said just as Rin's head popped up into the bushes with Jaken.

"See Rin they are fine," he said as Rin kept bugging him to check on them.

However Rin wasn't listening, instead she looked in awe at Sesshomaru and Yumi who were holding onto each other with peaceful looks on both faces.

"Wow look at them Master Jaken, the love they share is so beautiful between them,"

"That is true young Rin, Sesshomaru and Yumi have a love like no other, it is very beautiful indeed,"

"Do you wish for that kind of love Master Jaken?" Rin asked looking over at him.

"Heck no! The only love I have is for my lord and Mentor Sesshomaru, I wouldn't stoop so low like he did and find love that's just disgusting,"

"What was that you little-"

"Now darling let me handle him," Sesshomaru said as Jaken froze in fear.

When he turned around both of them were behind him as he immediately got on his knees.

"M-my lord and Lady! I'm so sorry for my words please forgive me!"

"Was it you who said that I stooped so low as to finding love? Why do you think that Jaken?" He asked picking him up as sweat rolled down his face.

"I only said that because before you had the arranged marriage with Yumi you were the most feared and the most strongest demon alive,"

"Excuse me?!" Yumi yelled placing her hands on her hips. "you trying to say I make Sesshomaru weak?! Huh imp?!"

"No! No! I-I-"

Before he could get his words out Sesshomaru had punched Jaken in the face multiple times leaving him with multiple bruises, him, Yumi and Rin turned to leaving him behind.

"I am still the strongest demon alive Jaken, don't ever insult me or my wife again I will kill you next time,"

"Understood Lord Sesshomaru,"


It was night now and the group was camping out. Rin and Jaken were sleeping on A-Un while Yumi and Sesshomaru were laying against the tree with Sesshomaru's arms wrapped securely around her waist.

"Something troubles you," Sesshomaru says lightly kissing her neck.

"It's what Jaken Said, I wonder do I make you weak Sesshomaru?"

"Nonsense do not listen to someone like Jaken, yes you are my weakness but you are also my strength, my reason to live, I am only weak if you are not with me, I am strong and protective when you are with me, I love you Yumi please don't ever leave my side," he finished as Yumi snuggled closer to Sesshomaru.

"I love you too Sesshomaru, I wouldn't dream of leaving your side, I don't ever want to be without you it's too much to bare,"

"Yumi," he said causing her to look up from his chest.

Yumi noticed how close his face was to hers. A blush flew across her cheeks at the way he was looking at her. With so much love and compassion in his eyes he leaned in closer and so did she.

Foreheads touched as lips were inches apart.

"Lord Sesshomaru, Lady Yumi," the tired voice of Rin said as she rubbed her eyes.

The two pulled apart blushing as they looked at the young child.

"I have to use the bathroom," Rin said causing Yumi to stand up.

"Where are you going?"

"To accompany Young Rin, she's not going to the bathroom alone,"

This caused him to stand up.

"Then I shall go with you, no way are you two going in alone,"

This caused Yumi to smile as she let out a giggle.

"I understand your reasoning darling, Rin let's go," Yumi said grabbing onto her hand with Sesshomaru following behind them. 

No way he was going to let them go alone especially when he could feel like they are being watched.

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