Chapter Sixteen

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Yumi walked into Naraku's chambers after Kohaku let her in.

"Ah, Yumi the outfit I choose suits you well,"

"Go to hell," Yumi tells him as Naraku chuckled.

Naraku began walking towards Yumi as he placed a hand on her cheek causing her to flinch.

"You should know Sesshomaru is on his way here he's got a few miles to go, and with that being said," Naraku says planting a rough kiss on Yumi.

Yumi eyes widened as Naraku's filthy lips were on hers. She tried to push him away but Naraku grabbed onto her hands and pushed her hard against the wall.

Yumi took the time to bit him on the lips causing him to let go as he looked at his bleeding lips.

"You've got fire in you, I can see why Sesshomaru choose you as his wife,"

"YOU DONT EVER FUCKING DO THAT TO ME AGAIN!" Yumi yelled on the verge of tears, but Naraku held her against the air choking her.

He squeezed her neck harder than last time.

"You learn to lower your voice when you are around me Slut," Naraku says before throwing Yumi across the room.

"You've irritated me for the last time," he says going over to a fallen Yumi as he picked her back up again and threw her on the bed.

He climbed on top of her As Yumi was trying to fight back.


"Unless you want Rin to die your going to take it!"

Yumi started hysterically crying as Naraku pinned her arms over her head, before he had time to do anything however, he could sense his barrier wearing down as it had been cut open. He growled.

"Vermins came sooner than expected, looks like Sesshomaru came after all," he said getting off of Yumi as she tried to back away from him.

"K-K-Keep away from me," Yumi says shaking as she was a bit traumatized from Naraku.

He sighed.

"Looks like you'll need to be knocked out for this one," he said before Yumi saw Darkness.

Sesshomaru was standing outside Naraku's castle determined to get his wife back from Naraku.

"Sesshomaru? What are you doing here?!" Inuyasha asked showing up next to him.

Sesshomaru said nothing as he was awaiting for Naraku.


"SHUT UP PATHETIC HALF BREED!" He shouted fed up with him as Inuyasha looked away.

"I'm impressed on how fast you found me," Naraku said showing himself as Sesshomaru's eyes widened.

He first looked at the unconscious Yumi in his hands, then looked to see the slutty outfit she was wearing, and then saw the cuts and bruises on her when she protected Rin, last he saw markings on her neck, deep and red like he just placed them there.

"YUMI?! This why your here Sesshomaru?!"

"Return what belongs to me, but I can promise you your death will be very painful," he said angry.

Naraku only laughed.

"Try and see if you can!" He laughs growing as a hole bunch of tentacles rose up.

Sesshomaru immediately began attacking them trying his best to get to his wife.

"Sesshomaru! You take things on from here!" Inuyasha said before going to leave.

Sesshomaru's only focus was on Yumi as he continued to slash away at Naraku's flesh.

"DO YOU WANT HER THAT BADLY SESSHOMARU?!" Naraku laughsed as a tentacle wrapped around his foot, "You'll be devoured before you can get the chance!" He yelled again before Sesshomaru was engulfed with his flesh.

Yumi moaned as she had opened her eyes to see she was in the arms of Naraku. She began squirming around.

"LET GO OF ME!" She shouted trying to fight back but Naraku only held on tighter.

"LONG CLAW KILLER!" She shouted as Naraku's eyes widened before dropping her out of his arms.

She screamed as she was falling hard to the ground.

"SESSHOMARU!" She screamed hoping he would save her.

Just then, Sesshomaru sliced his way out of Naraku's flesh and immediately went over to where his wife was falling. He jumped up, and caught her in his arms gracefully setting her on the ground.

"SESSHOMARU!" She cried gripping onto his kimono. "I'm sorry, he gave me no choice, please don't hate me!"

"What did he do? Why would I hate you?" Sesshomaru asked wrapping his arms around her as he missed her deeply.

"He..... He kissed me, tried to have sex with  me, he choked me, threw me around.... Called me a slut," she cries as he looked up at Naraku who was smirking.

"I will kill you," Sesshomaru says moving his wife behind him.

He jumped up into the air, and swing at Naraku with his tokijin, Naraku instantly dogged and sent out his tentacles towards Yumi.

"YUMI!" Sesshomaru shouted as she closed her eyes and awaited impact, but none came as she opened her eyes to see Inuyasha standing in front of her instead.

"INUYASHA!" She shouted relived as he looked over at her.

"You look pretty beat up, did Naraku do that?"

She slowly nodded her head as tears came to her eyes again, memories of Naraku tormenting her came back.

"Naraku you Bastard! WE'LL KILL YOU!" Inuyasha shouted before going to try and slice up Naraku.

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