Chapter Twenty-Four

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"I must say you two look adorable together," Kagome says causing the couple to break the kiss.

Yumi blushed with her head laying on Sesshomaru's chest. 


"It's true! I've never seen a much more cute couple than you two! The way Sesshomaru the cold hearted demon shows passion for his one true love Yumi just warms my heart!" Kagome says as Yumi and Sesshomaru gave her a blank stare when she was being dramatic with her hand gestures.

"No need to be dramatic about it Kagome!" Inuyasha says almost like he sounded a jealous.

"Kagome, thank you, consider yourself lucky Inuyasha, if the girl haven't of saved my wife from pain I would have ended you from stepping in,"

"Well excuse me for being worried about her!"

"As I've told you before Half breed she's mine,"

"Huh? What do you mean before?" Inuyasha asks confused.

"You've came to visit her because I wouldn't tell you what happened to her. You even want as far as to ask her to travel with you and your friends,"

Inuyasha sighs.

"I'm at a loss here Sesshomaru, why in the world would I visit you two? I despise both of you,"

"He's telling the truth Sesshomaru. Inuyasha was here with us'! Not you two!" Kagome says as Sesshomaru's eyes widened.

"I've been tricked,"

"What do you mean dear?"

"You haven't put it together? That vermin who we thought was Inuyasha was Naraku,"

"You mean-"

"He faked himself being Inuyasha to get under my skin, I'm going to kill Naraku, he tried to lure you away by pretending to be Inuyasha. A stupid move,"

"Wait your saying Naraku portrayed as me to get to you?!"

"Believe it or not Inuyasha Naraku has an obsession with my Wife, looks like he plans to take Young Rin here as well,"

"Listen I wanted to talk to you about that," Yumi says grabbing onto Sesshomaru's sleeve.

"What is it?" He asked Side glancing Yumi.

"If Rin and I get captured could you..... could you choose Rin over my life?" She asked causing Rin herself to gasp and Sesshomaru to fully turn to face her.

"I cannot, don't ask me to do that. You've been my wife, my salvation for over 200 years, please don't ask me that,"

"Please Sesshomaru..... she has so much to live for, please protect her and keep her safe for me. You'll come back to me, you always will,"

"Yumi, you have such a kind soul. That's why I love you so much," Sesshomaru says pulling Yumi to him.

"I love you too Sesshomaru, promise me, promise me you'll choose Rin over me, and you'll come back for me,"

Sesshomaru sighs as Yumi held onto him tighter.

"I promise,"

"If I watch anymore of this I'm gonna puke," Inuyasha's voice sounded causing the couple to pull away from each other.

"Still here Inuyasha? Tell me why?"

"You gonna be okay Yumi?" Kagome asked Ignoring Sesshomaru.

She couldn't help but smile.

"Yeah.... Everything is fine,"

"NO ITS NOT!" Rin shouts causing Yumi and Sesshomaru to turn to her.

She had tears flowing out of her eyes.

"Why must you always protect me?! You get injured everytime you do and cause Lord Sesshomaru so much pain and anger, stop laying your life down for me!"

"I WILL NEVER STOP!" Yumi shouted back at her balling her hands into a fist. "I protect you because I love you! I know we may have not known each other for long but you are like my own child now Rin! And a mother lays her life down for her child! I will be willing to sacrifice myself just to keep you safe! I would die a thousand times over as long as your okay! I love you Rin nothing will change that!"

"LADY YUMI!" She screamed running to her as she crashed her into a hug.

Sesshomaru stood watching as tears escaped his wife's eyes as well as Rin's as they held onto each other.

He honestly couldn't be happier, he may not withstand humans, but he can withstand this one just for his wife's sake.

The moment was ruined however, when the wind began blowing really hard causing Sesshomaru to shield Rin and his wife.

"RIN GET BACK!" Yumi yelled pushing the young child behind her and Sesshomaru as Kagura stood staring at everyone.

"Since when do you and Inuyasha get along?" Kagura asked her fan over her face.

"Let's get one thing straight we do not get along!" Inuyasha yelled drawing his sword.

"State your business," Sesshomaru said as Kagura looked right at Yumi.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm after your wife and that child!" She said before moving her fan causing blades to erupt everywhere on the scene.

A/N: completely mis counted but now everything is back in order! I skipped chapter Seventeen and went straight to Eighteen! I apologize for that also please let me know what you think more feedback would be appreciated!

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