Chapter Thirty-Two

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"Why did you say that to Kagura?" Sesshomaru asked after she had left as the two were walking side by side. 

"Because if I got freedom from him she deserves it too, come on Sesshomaru lets help her out,"

"Im not fond of her though I'm fond of you,"

"Please," She pleaded giving him the upmost puppy dog eyes.

Sesshomaru stared into them not wanting to give in, but she looked so adorable that he couldn't help it.

"Fine we shall help Kagura," he finally gives in causing Yumi to cheer.

"I knew you'd give in Sesshomaru!' Yumi yells happily as she grabbed onto his arm.

He sighed but a small smile erupted on his face seeing how happy it made his wife. However the smile was short lived as he had grunted in pain falling to his knees as Yumi gasped.

"SESSHOMARU!" She shouted bending down to his eye level. "What's wrong? Is it that wound of yours?"

"Its taking much longer than expected for it to heal that damn Naraku,"

"Sesshomaru you should have healed first before coming to find me," Yumi said as she helped Sesshomaru up and slang him over her shoulders. 

"I needed you, who knows when I could have saw you again, I took the opportunity to come find you,"

"And in doing so you made your wound worse," She said before frowning. 

"Do not frown my love I knew what I was doing,"

She couldn't help but sigh before laying Sesshomaru down on a nearby tree. He was panting holding his bloody wound.

"You need to rest my love please, Rin can wait a little more," 

"I suppose your right plus if we go back now we would never have our time together," Sesshomaru said grunting in pain as he did so.

"My love I shall go fetch-"

"No! Don't you dare go anywhere on your own just for Naraku to snatch you up again," he said out of panic as Yumi softly smiled at him.

"But my love I need to go get some herbs and supplies for your wounds, if not treated you could..... Could-" Yumi closes her eyes tight afraid to say the words.

However a pair of hands touched her face as she opened her eyes  as a tear fell from her face. Sesshomaru gently wiped it away with his thumb.

"Do not cry for me my love, I will never on this earth leave you alone I promise," he said while looking into her tear filled eyes.

"Sesshomaru..... I love you so much!" She said throwing herself on him causing him to grunt as she gasped and quickly got off. "Oops I'm sorry I didn't mean to honest,"

Sesshomaru chuckles.

"Your cute when you panic," he says causing her to blush.

"All these years and you still have me blushing,"

"Of course my love, that's one thing that I'll never make you stop doing," he said before closing his eyes.

"Sesshomaru?" Yumi asks frowning.

"Just resting dear," he responds as Yumi had enough.

She shook her head.

"Sesshomaru I need to see!" She exclaimed moving his hand over the wound.

She took off his clothes without rejection and opened up his kimono and gasped. There was a hole in his stomach, it's small but it was bleeding out excessively.

"How did this happen?!" Yumi questioned tears running down her face.

Sesshomaru sighed.

"The day Naraku took you, he was aiming his tentacle at Rin, I knew how much she meant to you, to us, I did what I had to to save her,"

"Y-You took the blow for her?"

"I did, ever since then it hasn't been healing as well as I liked,"

"Because you keep moving and fighting!" Yumi yells waving her hands dramatically. "You need to sit down somewhere and stay there! It's no wonder why your not healing!"

"Your gonna yell at me now?" Sesshomaru asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I have every right to yell idiot! You shouldn't have came after me!"

"I came after you because I love you understand you are mine, you don't belong to anyone else but me,"

Yumi shakes her head the tears never leaving her face.

"And in doing so you risked killing yourself because your not healed,"

"Yumi, understand that I would do it all over again if I had to just to keep you safe,"

"That's it," Yumi said as a cloud of dust appeared before her.

Sesshomaru widened his eyes as Yumi came out as a full dog demon the cloud of dust disappearing. Yumi was gigantic with white fur and dog ears on the top of her head. She howled into the sky before bending and moving her head towards her back telling Sesshomaru to get on.

"I refuse," he said causing her to growl as she gave him the look of death.

He sighed before grunting as he got up from the tree and limped towards Yumi. He got on her back as she got up from her crouching position and ran into the direction of Lady Kaede.

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