Chapter Forty-Five

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It was morning time when Kagura groaned awake. At first she didn't know where she was as she gasped and sat up quickly. She took a look around to see she was with Sesshomaru's group as they were all staring and watching her as she scowled.

"What are you all looking at?" She growled annoyed.

"Don't be so mean Kagura we were worried about you," Yumi was the first to say.

"Worried? Why? What happened?"

"You mean you don't remember? You fell off your feather and splashed in the river I tried getting too you but the current swept you away and I made Sesshomaru here catch you to make sure your okay,"

"What happened to you Kagura?" Sesshomaru asked curious as Kagura frowned.

No use in denying it now.

"Naraku word got out that I gave you the location to his castle to take back Yumi from him, he beat me almost to death I ended up escaping before I could take my final breath and ended up here,"

"You poor thing Kagura I'm so sorry it's my fault you ended up here,"

"No worries your back with Sesshomaru it's all that matters if Naraku finds me alive he might-ah!" Kagura suddenly yelled clutching onto her heart.

"KAGURA!" Yumi yelled worried as she was in pain.

Yumi ran to her and kneeled in front of her. She was sweating and panting while holding onto her heart.

"Kagura is it Naraku?" She asked as she looked at Yumi with her ruby eyes.

"YUMI! MOMMY!" Sesshomaru and Rin yelled as Kagura had quickly grabbed Yumi and tucked a feather out of her hair as she flew away.

"KAGURA WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Yumi shouted trying to get out of her hold.

"I'm sorry Naraku will kill me if I don't come back with you,"

"You mean you set this whole thing up just to capture me?" Yumi asked putting the pieces together.

Before Kagura could respond Sesshomaru was in front of her causing Kagura to stop on her feather as she gasped.

Sesshomaru had a hand on his sword before pulling it out.

"I will kill you if you don't hamd her over,"


"Don't try to save her this time Yumi, she plotted this all along,"

"I will be killed for real if I don't hand her over! Everything I said was the truth when Naraku was squeezing my heart it meant I had to do this or I will die! Capturing Yumi was my only way of redeeming him! Understand!"

"Your life means nothing to me," Sesshomaru said about to strike but Yumi shook her head.

"No! Listen Sesshomaru you can't kill her! She doesn't have a choice but to capture me!"

"I will not lose you or our child Yumi! You always think of everyone else or how they feel! How about how I feel for a change?!" Sesshomaru said causing Yumi to gasp.

Sesshomaru gripped onto his sword his bangs covering his eyes.

"Every sacrifice you make, every time you get captured, how does it make me feel Yumi? I worry about you every second of the day, hell I'll admit I'm even afraid of letting you be alone in fear of this happening because it has so many times, you are my weakness, you are my love and everytime your not with me I die on the inside so do not ask me to spare Kagura's life because I won't she can come back empty handed but I am not risking you or our child,"

"Sesshomaru," Yumi said her eyes filled with tears in them. "Kagura why don't you just stay with us? That way we can protect you and you don't have to do this,"

"I can't Naraku holds my heart just go with Sesshomaru he's right, he loves you Yumi and no one else has captured the great dog demon of the west but you, I will be fine,"

"Kagura your just saying that! You won't be fine!"

"If Naraku kills me so be it, I am the enemy remember?"

"But we also know you don't want this! You don't want to be with Naraku! Let us help you!"

Kagura smiled and she can't help but feel like this was the last smile she will ever give.

"Be with Sesshomaru Yumi, don't worry about me,"

"Kagura," Yumi said with tears in her eyes. "I can't help but feel like this will be the last meeting,"

"Because it will Yumi, now go, live with Sesshomaru and have your kid," she said as Sesshomaru went to grab her from the feather carrying her bridal style.

"You made a wise Decision Kagura, thank you," Sesshomaru said before transforming into a ball of light and leaving her up in the air by herself.

Kagura knew, she knew it was going to be her last time seeing them but at least now she can be free just like the wind.

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