Chapter Thirty-Six

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"Oh? You dare raise your blade at me?" Jakotsu asked Sesshomaru with a smile.

"I will kill you," he said before charging at Jakotsu.

While those two were battling Yumi went towards Bankotsu claws up in the air.

"LONG CLAW KILLER!" She shouted catching Bankotsu off guard as her nails extended causing him to let go of Rin to protect his own self.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" He shouted just as Rin ran behind Yumi.

"Rin you okay?" She asked looking back at the frightened little girl.

She nodded her head before turning to face Bankotsu again.

"Not only am I Queen of the Northern Lands, Wife to Sesshomaru, but I am also a great killer as well, I'm not as innocent as I seemed before Bankotsu, your life is in my hands now,"

"Well then been looking for a great hand to hand combat match,"

"Rin," Yumi said as the wind blew as she blinked innocently at Yumi.


"Go to Jaken, get A-Un and get far away from here once Sesshomaru and I are done here we will come back for you,"

She smiled wildly before running the opposite direction. Once gone Yumi turned to Bankotsu as her eyes flashed red and a wicked smile on her face.

"Let's see you try and take me on Bankotsu," she said before fast approaching him.

Her claws were out as she went to hit him in the face but he dodged to her right and grabbed her fists.

"Come on I'm expecting more out of you Yumi," he tainted before landing a punch under her chin causing her to fly backwards.

Bankotsu chuckled before jumping up in the air while Yumi was still falling to the ground he was going to kick her to the ground, but a hand caught his foot as her eyes opened wide as a growl escaped her lips.

She was able to twist Bankotsu's foot turning him around and slamming him down to the ground so she was on top of him.

Dust and smoke was everywhere as Bankotsu kicked Yumi off of him causing him to stand back up.

"Your a very stubborn woman," he growls before charging at her again.

Yumi was able to duck and dodge his hits as she swiped out her foot from under him and tripped him hard to the ground.

"You suck at hand to hand combat, haven't even broken a sweat,"

Bankotsu growled before sitting up again. He smirked.

"Don't look now but it looks like it's over for your husband," he said causing Yumi to indeed look as she saw that Sesshomaru's arm was bleeding with a wound on it.

Before she could say anything Bankotsu hit Yumi hard in the face causing her to fall back to the ground unconscious.

"I told you don't look! That was too easy!" Bankotsu smiled before picking up Yumi.

"NO!" Sesshomaru shouted before jumping away from Jakotsu going to Bankotsu full speed.

He used his green whip and grabbed Yumi by the waist as she got out of Bankotsu's hold and into his arms.

"Come on you really think you can take the two of us on? Bring her here Sesshomaru," Bankotsu said as Jakotsu laughed and raised his sword.

Sesshomaru was outmatched with an unconscious Yumi in his hold he looked back and forth between the two walking dead mortals as a plan formed in his head causing him to smile.

"What the hell is so damn funny?" Bankotsu asked but before he could make any moves, Inuyasha sprang out from the forest weapon in hand ready to slice down anything in his path.

Bankotsu moved out of the way as Inuyasha went to strike him down. Jakotsu gasped.

"INUYASHA!" He excitedly yells out waving at him.

"I thought you'd eventually show up,"

"How can I not? I smelt you and Jakotsu along with Sesshomaru and Yumi, who you must be after,"

"Look I got a lot of heat from Naraku I'm lucky to still be alive,"

"Your no match for me, I will kill you both for laying a hand on my sister in law,"

Just then Yumi began opening her eyes upon hearing Inuyasha's voice. She was in the arms of her husband who was looking down at her.


"S-Sesshomaru? What happened? Why is Inuyasha here?"

"You were battling Bankotsu and got hit pretty hard, as for Inuyasha no reason why he's here I had it under control," Sesshomaru said causing Inuyasha's ears to twitch.

"Had it handled huh? Tell me Sesshomaru if I hadn't of jumped in when I did what were you going to do while holding onto Yumi?!" He barked causing Yumi to giggle.

"Stop your barking Inuyasha, this is my husband were talking about weather you came or not he would have found a way to deal with these two,"

"Bankotsu let's withdraw for now we're outmatched without the others,"

"But Naraku will have our heads returned empty handed!"

"Let's not go back to him then, come on we'll get Yumi some other time!"

"Ughhh fine!" Bankotsu said before him and Jakotsu took off.

"HEY WAIT!" Inuyasha yelled as the two disappeared into the trees.

He sighed putting his sword away.

"Guess that was for nothing," he said before walking over to the couple.

Sesshomaru lightly growled as a warning for Inuyasha to stay clear from his wife, he didn't listen however as he got in front of her and she looked confused at him.

"Are you okay Yumi?" He asked placing his hand on her head ruffling it.

"H-hey! Stop that! I have good quality hair?!" She yelled slapping his hands away as she crossed her arms. "But yeah I'm fine Inuyasha, I guess a thanks are in order,"

"No need for that we didn't need his help, hey, Yumi," Sesshomaru said as Yumi pulled on his ear.

"Be nice Sesshomaru," she hissed before letting go of his ear as he growled.

"Man, before you and Sesshomaru met he would have killed someone for touching him like that, I'm glad he has you Yumi, you make him into a better person," Inuyasha said before waving as he jumped leaving the two alone.

A/N: Chapter 40 will be the final chapter of this book!

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