Chapter Twenty-Nine

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The next time the door opened Yumi looked up to see Naraku himself descending down the stairs. 

"Have you had enough to eat?" he asked taking a seat right outside the cell doors. 

"Yeah it was actually quite good who cooked it?" She asked causing Naraku to smile. 

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, that would be me,"

This caused Yumi to gasp out loud with her eyes wide in shock. 

"You cook?"

"Don't be so surprised Yumi, I can do alot of things," 

"Like letting me go?" she asked as he chuckled. 

"That is one thing I cannot do, you are too valuable, besides you knew this would happen,"

"Yes I know, but still I can't help but wonder if I wasn't Sesshomaru's wife would you have had any use for me?"

"Of course, the same situation would occur, If you weren't Sesshomaru's wife I would have been your husband by now, you are beautiful Yumi and I crave a woman like you,"

"Maybe its a good thing he is my husband then,"

"What? You wouldn't marry someone like me?"

"Naraku, your evil, no I wouldn't,"

"So if I wasn't evil would you have at least considered it?" 

"Hmmm......" She said looking over his face. "Only if you weren't evil I would've," she admits as a smile erupted from Naraku's face. 

"That is all I need to know, thank you," He said getting up turning to leave. 

"Wait! Naraku!"

"What is it?" he asked turning to face her. 

"Please dont leave me alone.... I feel so alone with nobody to talk to," She said with a sadden expression. 

"Sorry Yumi I can't trust you not to run off on me the moment I let you out,"

"But I wont! I promise please Naraku," She begged gripping onto the cage bars.

"I shall send someone down to keep you company, but my answer still stands as No," Naraku said before ascending up the stairs. 


"Lord Sesshomaru are you well enough to stand up?" Rin asked the next day as Sesshomaru was now walking again. 

The pain hadn't been bothering him since his long rest he did yesterday and the last couple of days. 

"Yes," Was all that he responded. 

His attitude has changed, Rin could tell. He's not the same Lord Sesshomaru she's grown to know. Without Yumi, Sesshomaru seems to be distant from everyone, and not sparing anyone a glance. They havent stopped walking and Rin doesn't even know where they are going. 

However she did notice that Sesshomaru stopped in his tracks as the wind picked up. Rin shielded her face as Jaken did as well and out came Kagura the wind sorceress. 

"Yo," She said as Sesshomaru instantly growled. 

"Yumi where is she?" He growled eyes glowing red as fangs came from his mouth. 

Kagura held up her hands in surrender. 

"Woah hold on I'm only here on behalf of Yumi, she is fine Naraku has her held prisoner in the basement below the castle," 

"Where is she? Answer me!" 

"I am not allowed to give you the location,"

This caused Sesshomaru to take out his sword and raise it in front of her. 

"Then you will die if you not disclose my wife's location," 

Kagura couldn't help but think about it. She knows if Naraku had found out she told Sesshomaru he would give her hell, but she also knows Yumi doesn't belong down with Naraku. She knitted her eyebrows together as Sesshomaru was glaring at her waiting for an answer. She sighed. 

"Fine, Naraku will give me hell, she's in the direction of Mt. Hakurei you cant miss it," She said before pulling her feather out of her hair as she disappeared. 

"Mt. Hakurei I see, Rin, Jaken I want the two of you to stay with A-Un,"

"But Lord Sesshomaru you cant go alone your not healed yet!" Rin tries to stop him. 

"I will be fine, I will bring my wife home," He said before forming into a ball as he took off from the group. 


"YO!" Someone yelled going down the stairs. 

Yumi has been in her cell staring up at the ceiling bored of her life. So she was kinda excited when a new voice came along. 

"Yo yourself who are you?" She asked as a boy with a braided hair, brown eyes, a cross on his head and have tan skin came down the stairs. 

"Ah, your Yumi, I'm Bankotsu," he said with a smile on his face.

"You know me?"

"Naraku brought me back to life, I was once a mercenary you might have heard of me I'm Bankotsu leader of the Band of Seven I love to kill people because its fun,"

"Nope never heard of you,"

"What?!" He yells mouth agap. 

"Sorry, but you didnt answer my question what are you here for?" She asked as Bankotsu sighed. 

"Well Naraku said you were lonely and wanted someone to talk to,"

"He was getting Kagura for me, Wasn't he?"

"Things have changed, he's busy now so he wont be coming down here much and told me to babysit you,"

"I dont need no babysitter especially from the likes of you," 

"Dont be that way Yumi, I have a feeling you and I will be great friends,"

"I bet Naraku didn't tell you I was married now did he?"

"Awww no he didn't who are you married too?"


Bankotsu was confused for a moment before a smile broke out of his face. 

"The great Lord of the Western lands correct? Naraku told me that was one of the people we need to eradicate," 

"Eradicate?! Touch my husband and each of you will die by my claws!"

"Oh, getting upset now are we? I like it,"

"Shut up," she said looking away blushing causing Bankotsu himself to laugh.

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