Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Rin was using the bathroom leaving Yumi and Sesshomaru alone. He pulled her into him as Yumi giggled.


"We have some alone time," he whispered into her ear as his hand traveled lower.

She blushed.

"But she can be back at any given time," Yumi tried to reject but Sesshomaru shoved his fingers into her causing her to groan.

"Until that time comes I get to do this," he said as he started pumping faster.

Yumi was trying to hold in her moans but her legs were becoming weak causing Sesshomaru to hold onto her tighter to not fall.

Before she could finish her orgasm a loud scream pierced the air causing Sesshomaru to stop as Yumi ran out of his arms causing him to sigh before running after her. 

"RIN! WHERE ARE YOU HONEY!" She shouted catching a scent as she quickly ran to get to her.

She found Rin unconscious on the ground with a demon on top of her.

"LONG CLAW KILLER!" Yumi shouted her finger nails extending as it cut the demon in half causing it to explode as he screamed.

She picked up Rin with Sesshomaru right beside her.

"Rin! Rin!" She called causing the Little girl to open her eyes.

"Mommy?" She mistakenly calls as she opened up her big brown eyes.

Yumi was shocked but didn't care at the moment as she pulled Rin closer to her.

"Rin darling what happened?"

"I was finished using the bathroom when a demon came out of nowhere and grabbed me, I was frightened Lady Yumi!" She said clinging onto her as Yumi cooed for her to calm down.

"You would make an excellent mother Yumi," Sesshomaru says as Yumi turned to look at him.

"Sesshomaru what do you mean?"

"The way you care for Rin, the way you enjoy her around with us, if we make kids of our own I know you'll be the perfect mother,"

"Are you saying that..... That you want kids with me?" She asked standing up as Rin looked on with a happy smile on her face.

Sesshomaru nodded causing Yumi to smile widely.

"SESSHOMARU!" She shouted running towards him as she gripped him in a giant hug. "I love you so much! Oh my gosh I've been telling you this for years but you was never obligated to it!"

"Well seeing as how were raising Rin and how you are around her we'd make amazing parents,"

"Eek Sesshomaru your the best husband ever! Do you hear that Rin? Your going to have a brother or a sister!"

Rin began clapping her hands excitedly as she twirled around.

"Will I also get to hold the baby mommy?!" She shouted but soon covered her mouth.  "I'm sorry Lady Yumi, I did not mean to call you mommy," she said her eyes casting downward as Yumi couldn't help but smile.

She released Sesshomaru and kneeled down to Rin's height and petted her hair down.

"Rin, do you think of me as your mother? I've noticed it twice now when you woke up and just now when you said it,"

She looked up at Lady Yumi rocking her feet back and forth out of nervousness.

"I'm sorry Lady Yumi, it's just, you always protect me, and comfort me just like my mommy used to do to me. Sometimes I get it mixed up knowing I should call you Lady Yumi,"

"Oh Rin," Yumi said pulling the girl into her chest causing her to gasp before holding back into her.

Tears escaped her eyes as she held onto Rin tighter.

"Rin, you can call me anything you'd like too, including mommy I'd be honored to be  your mom Rin, I will never be able to replace your original mother but I will do my best to be just like her, I love you Rin,"

By now Rin was sobbing and shaking, tears of joy coming to her eyes.

"I love you too mommy," she said causing Yumi to smile as Sesshomaru walked towards the duo.


"Yes Lord Sesshomaru?" She asks pulling away from Yumi and wiping her eyes.

"What do you think of me? Am I a father figure to you?"

Rin nodded her head looking down.

"Yes, you along with Lady Yumi are like new parents to me, but I know you dont like the name father so I didn't say it,"

The wind blew blowing Sesshomaru's hair as he looked up at the night sky into the stars.

"It is alright, you may call me father if you wish to do so," he said before turning to walk away causing Rin to smile.

She giggled before jumping in Yumi's arms who carried her on her back.

"Let's go little Rin, you for the approval from Sesshomaru something I never thought I'd see imaginable," she said before running to catch up with him as the three were walking back to camp with happy smiles on their faces.

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