Dancing On The Dance Floor

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Shayera was walking to Serena and Camilla for a bit. She thought to herself as they see the commissioners are not here, "Where are they? They shoulda been here by now." Thats when she accidentally bump into one of the two people. It was Scourge and Sally. The two came together 'for they are the commissioners'. Scourge asked Shayera, "Hey girly, do you know where Serena and Camilla are?" Shayera answered them as she points to them, "They're that way sir." Sally and him walked off as she said, "Thanks lady, nice dress." Shayera smiled a little bit frowned as Scourge stopped and said, "Wait a Morbius minute." He walked to her and asked as he stopped in front of her, "Hey toots, you look familiar, do I know you from somewhere?" Shayera shook her head and said, "Oh no. You really don't know me." Scourge then walked off to Serena and Camilla and said, "Oh. Well have a nice evening babe."

Shayera sighed in relief as she looked at the night sky.

It was beautiful and sparkly as the stars were shining. Then Shayera turned her head to the dance floor. She sees Amy dancing with Shadow 'which was no surprise to her'. Shayera said to herself, "What a pink twit. I never liked her anyway." She walked to Serena before she tripped on her own dress.

Shayera was going to stand up, but that's when a familiar voice asked, "Need a hand Shayera?" She looked to see Knuckles giving out her hand. Knowing she will tease him once again. Shayera said to him flirtatiously as she grabbed his hand, "Why thank you big boy. Your quiet the gentleman." Knuckles helped her up while Shayera looked at him.

Shayera let's go of his hand and said, "Thanks for the help red boy. But I haft to get going." Knuckles then stopped her by grabbing her hand and asked, "Would you mind dancing with me? I have no one to dance with." Shayera was taken by surprise but she smiled and answered, "Oh, I love to." The red echidna pulled the blue female close as she said, "But I haft to warn you. My heels are sharp."

Knuckles swallowed nervously and said to her, "P-point well taken." With that said, Knuckles leads the beautiful female hedgehog to the dance floor. Once they arrived at the dance floor. Shayera placed a hand on his shoulder while the other one on Knuckles hand. Knuckles placed an arm around her waste. The two slow dance on the dance floor like everyone else. It was elegant and magical moment for the two. Though to Knuckles it was awkward as heck. He found it strangely Amazing waltzing with her. Even she is Sonic, Knuckles still finds it amazing.

The two held each other close and gazed into each other's eyes while other people danced the night away. Shayera thought it was funny 'seeing Knuckles act like a gentleman' but Knuckles still had his suspicions. By the time the dance ended, Shayera walked off just after thanking Knuckles and winking at him as she blew a kiss at him.

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