Finding Sonic

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Everyone was at the townhall discussing to unbanish Sonic again. The mayor 'like last time' said, "All in favor of unbanishing Sonic so he can save our lives. Say Yay." Everyone said their Yay and nay. Mayor Fink then said, "I hereby declare Sonic unbanished." He turn to the cops and said, "Sonics unbanished. Go get him." One of the cops said, "Okay but we dunno where he is. He left with no hesitation remember?" Mayor Fink scratched his head and said, "Oh yeah." Knuckles then suggested, "Maybe we should call his parents. Maybe they know."

That alarmed Fink before he said, "No! It's better if we not." He then whispered to Knuckles, "Whatever you do. Do not inform the King and Queen." Knuckles asked, "Why not?" Fink answered secretly, "Cause. They keep hearing about what we did to Sonic especially the banishment thing. Last time we judged Sonic they were gonna file a royal lawsuit. If they hear about Sonic being banished again. *swallows nervously* They'll send their oldest son to chop off my head." Knuckles sighed in frustration as he said, "Great, even you are afraid of Manic the big bad psycho-thief. He'll have my head before he can have yours." Fink nervously thought about how Manic will chop off his head. Just after that, Jules 'in his head' said, "We told you to stop making Sonic look bad you fat twit!" Fink got pulled back into reality as he screamed by the touch of one of the cops. The second cop said, "Uhh sir? Convincing Sonic isn't gonna be easy and he was last spotted going to Transtopia." Everyone gasped as Knuckles said, "We gotta find him now!"

<A Short While Later>

The whole village was searching for Sonic. It was as really dark so everyone had to bring their own flashlights. Everyone shouted Sonics name while searching the woods. They wave their flashlights back and forth. Even the Mayor was searching. Sonics four friends had to split up in order to find their friend and leader. Tails was searching high, while the girls are searching in the lake.

Tails 'couldn't get the signal from Sonics communicator' and asked, "Anything ladies?" Amy's voice said, "No. nothing. Anything on the communicator?" Tails replied, "No! I've been trying before the search. But nothing is coming up. Sonic hasn't even answered. Maybe Mark has him again." Amy's voice said, "No he he had an alibi. He was in the basement 'that his mother made him go in after the incident'." Tails muttered as he tried again, "Of course."

(Meanwhile with Knuckles)

Knuckles 'who was searching an ancient ceremonial style area' thought to himself in worry, "Why didn't we believe him? Stupid! Stupid me! This is all my fault!" He shouted, "SONIC! Where are you?!" He then rushed and said as he waved his flashlight, "SONIC! WHERE ARE YOU?! SONIC!!" Knuckles then used his aluminum suit to light up the place after his flashlight went out. Knuckles sighed deeply before he said, "Okay I gotta find Sonic." Thats when he saw a familiar form lying peacefully on a stone bed. It was undoubtedly Sonic. His eyes were opened  but no expression, he was lying down with his hands on his chest. Knuckles gasped once he sees it is Sonic.

The red echidna shouted as he rushed to him, "I FOUND HIM!" A few of the villagers rushed to Knuckles as Sonic had no reaction. Knuckles looked at him and said, "Sonic. Oh thank goodness your okay. Listen we..." he trailed off as Sonic wasn't reacting. He looked like he was in a trance. Knuckles had to make sure he wasn't dead. He felt his heartbeat, his pulse, and he was still warm. Knuckles was in relief 'knowing he was still alive'. He then said, "Sonic? Are you okay?" Sonic didn't respond he just looked at him without moving an inch. A few of the villagers 'doctors' rush to him while Knuckles was getting worried that there maybe something wrong with him.

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