Fuzzy-Puppy chat

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Amy was at Eggman's lair, having a little Fuzzy-Puppy match or two with the evil scientist. They also had a chat about today Though joining them is Steve Eggman, MomBot, and Sage 'who were there for a visit and cheering Eggman on'. Sage said with a usual tone, "You can do it Father."

Eggman chuckled in his usual chuckle as he whispered, "Thats my girl." He then turn to Amy and said, "So Nurples thought that woman from that snobby village is Sonic? That's sounds crazy!"

Amy replied as she made her move, "I know right? What in the world made him think that?" Steve Eggman asked, "Coincidence I guess?" Amy replied, "Thank you Steve." MomBot then said as she past out the snacks she made, "Well I can admit it does sound odd but other hedgehogs do have the same fur color and all. Some people look a like. I mean both my boys do look like. Some brothers do."

Eggman and Steve said, "Nit brothers just a human and a shape-shifting robot from another dimension." Sage agreed as she said, "Even I know the difference."

Steve whispered to him, "Haft to admit, artificial intelligence or no. She has your brain. Like father like daughter." Eggman replied, "Yep."

That's when Eggman said to Amy, "So Amy, any chance you can teach my dear daughter some Fuzzy-Puppy moves? I do it myself but I rather not do it alone. I was hoping you would give her a few pointers." Amy replied, "I don't see why not." She then sees the puppy on the board (a black and white heeled) and asked, "Whoa is that Melanie Heeler?" Eggman replied, "It sure is, I got her on the internet. It reminds so much of Sage when she stares like that" The white haired girl shrugged before MomBot giggled and said, "Oh. She's got your eyes son." Sage replied, "Relatively speaking, my eyes are a mystery beyond solved." MomBot replied, "Yeah, that's nice dear."

Amy asked, "I'm guessing your gonna turn it into a group thing?" Eggman replied, "Yep. If that's okay with you." Amy replied, "It sure is okay. It would be good to add Sage to our Fuzzy-Puppy buddies." The two laughed while the three joined in laughing. That's when Steve Eggman asked, "Say where are those two robots?" Eggman replied, "I sent them out to go grocery shopping."

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