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About 8 weeks later; things were nice at first. Though slowly and surely, everyone started to feel bad. Especially his four ex-friends.

The four were at Meh Burger looking bored and feeling awful. Knuckles sighed deeply and said, "These 8 weeks were not exactly fun without Sonic around." Tails turn to him and said, "Well, we were a little too harsh on him." Amy and Sticks muttered in agreement. Then Tails sighed deeply and said, "I-I need some alone time. I cannot believe we didn't believe Sonic." Knuckles stood up and said, "Same here." Then the group rushed off immediately.


The feral badger was in her hut. She sighed deeply while playing her guitar. Sticks then said, "He'll call. Will he?" She heard the phone ring all of a sudden. Sticks immediately answered it and said, "Sonic thank goodness I..." She trailed off as she 'in disappointment (realizing it was just Fang The Bounty hunter) ' said, "...Oh hey Nack. What it is?" The purple weasels voice asked, "Just coming for a visit love. Thought I call ahead to tell you." Sticks sighed deeply and said, "You know darn well I ain't into you bub." Fangs voice said, "Yes you are mate. Our parents did agree after all love." Sticks sighed deeply and said, "Of course they did." Fangs voice then said before he hung up, "We'll I also got some news for yas, if that's okay love." Sticks hung up after he did and said, "Wonder what he needs to talk about."


The pink hedgehog was having a good time painting a portrait of herself. Music was soothing, and the painting is perfectly done. Though it was a little too quiet. She thought about calling her friends to celebrate her painting her perfect portrait. She was gonna dial Sonic but she frowned and said, "Oh right. He's not here." She looked down as she sighed.


Miles was at his workshop inventing a machine that can also reverse engineering every single old ingredients in order to use to make old timely food. Tails said, "This is real amazing. Maybe it will reverse engineer old fashioned chilidogs! I must tell Son..." He trailed off after almost saying his name. Tails sighs sadly. He remembered what happened as he said, "Oh yeah." He groaned in guilt as he kicked the table 'caused him to break his invention'. He groaned in defeat.


The red echidna was the most that felt really bad. He sighed sadly. Knuckles thought of the times he had with him. Though Knuckles thought of the last day he was with him. Knuckles sighed deeply and said, "Oh man. I think it's best if I wallow in guilt." And that's what Knuckles did. He started crying in guilt and boredom. Knuckles sniffed and said, "I want Sonic back!" He cried on the floor.


After, Fang arrived he told her something she didn't expect from him. Fang asked, "Did you hear about it love?" Sticks asked, "About what?" Fang answered her, "Normally I don't spread the news mate but I make an exception for you love. A few hedgehogs have been missin for a few weeks love." Sticks asked, "But how?" Fang answered, "Well they went to go to Transtopia mate and then poof. Without a trace." Sticks asked, "Is it because they are captured by the village eating Goblins?!" Fang replied to him, "Sorry love that's another village. Transtopia is just a fancy shmancy village, owned by one of Sonics old flames. Serena I think was her name." Sticks was a little shocked by it. Fang then said, "Oh by the way love, Ivo lied to you all. He really did fake being injured so he had everyone take pity on him and banish blue boy from the village." Sticks was surprised before she said as she hugged Fang, "Oh Nack. Thanks for telling me. I gotta tell the gang." She gave Fang a big smooth on the lips before she rushed out. Just after she went out, Fang smirked and said with a blush, "I knew she be into me mate. I'm a sucker for feral badger babe."

<just after arriving>

Sticks 'who was gonna tell them'. Saw that Eggman confessed to everything about banishing Sonic and all. Eggman then said, "You all are such pushovers." Everyone panicked as Knuckles said, "We need Sonic back." Tails replied, "We unbanished him once, we'll do it again. To townhall!" The group run to town-hall  while the villagers followed.

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