Wondering about her

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Back at Hedgehog Village, It was about a few weeks since the whole thing with Transtopia. Knuckles was at Meh burger with Tails and the girls eating lunch. Tails noticed Knuckles wasn't eating his food 'considering he was too busy thinking about Shayera'. This girl is beautiful 'yes' but there is something familiar about that glare she had when they left.

Knuckles thought to himself, "Could it be??" Tails snapped him out of it by snapping his fingers. Knuckles let out a 'huh' as he turn to Tails. The yellow fox asked, "So what's up with you? You haven't touched your food. Are you thinking about that girl again?" Knuckles replied with a hint of protest, "First off: her name is Shayera. Second off; I cannot stop thinking about her. I can't get that glare of hers out of my head."

Sticks asked with a raised brow, "What do you mean by that? Did she glare at us?" Knuckles answered her without even hesitating, "She was glaring at us when we were leaving." Thats when Tails assumed, "Maybe she didn't like us. I mean it is possible. She did say our village was grotesque after all." Knuckles replied to the young fox, "But she glared at us the same way Sonic did."

Tails raised a brow and asked, "Are you suggesting that was Sonic we saw as a woman?" Knuckles shrugs and said, "I dunno. She had the same glare Sonic had. Not only that but the way she spoke to me. That didn't just sound flirtatious. It sounded cocky. I heard it in her tone. I mean think about it, royal blue fur, emerald green eyes, and that behavior. Tell me that what I'm saying is crazy."

The three stared at him. That's when Sticks whispered to them, "...And they thought I was crazy." Tails turn to the red echidna and said, "Uhh Knuckles? I hate to tell you this but there is no possibility that woman was Sonic. I mean you seen how she met us. She didn't see us until that day." Knuckles then said, "Then how come she said '4'? 4! There was suppose to be 5 heroes not 4. How could she not hear about Sonic? Why? Cause she has to be Sonic!"

Dave 'who heard the conversation' said, "Uhh, there's no way possible cause this village does not allow transgender surgeries here. They think it's weird."

Dave walked off as Knuckles looked at Tails, Amy, and Sticks muttered. Knuckles then asked, "Don't you guys believe me?" Tails shook his head and said, "Knuckles? I'm sorry but we have been searching for Sonic for days. I think it's best we get a break from searching for him."

Knuckles 'in shock' said, "How could you say that?! He's your best friend and mine too. Yet you gave up on him?! All of you?! Well I ain't giving up no matter what. There is something not right about that village, I know it's just a theory but it has to be Sonic, If you all can't even do what we need to do then I'll find him myself. Just you all wait!"

Without a second thought, Knuckles stood up and ran off. At the same moment, Amy stood up and walk off to have a round or two of Fuzzy-Puppies, and that left Tails and Sticks alone. But the two walked off separately.

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