At The Ball part 1

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It had been days, so far nothing had been proven. Everyone just thought Knuckles was just plain out crazy. All because he thought this mysterious woman is Sonic. Even though he keeps forgetting about that theory.

But Knuckles became infatuated with her when she appeared at the ball with Serena and Camilla as a bodyguard. A beautiful and martial arts bodyguard. It was about a full moon at night, and villagers near and far came for a night at the Ball 'which was located between Transtopia and Hedgehog Village'.

Knuckles sighed deeply as he entered with Tails 'who was with Zoey', Amy 'who was recently with Shadow', and Sticks 'who was with Fang'. Knuckles was with no one. He heard Serena and Camilla were going to be there. So he had to come in order to interrogate them to see if they have Sonic. Though people around him, it be super possible to find them.

He was in luck they're they are talking with a couple of upper class ladies, but to his surprise he sees Shayera 'talking with them' she was dressed beautifully, like a goddess. Knuckles felt like he was paralyzed. Unaware Shayera saw him without turning or moving.

Shayera whispered, "Hey it looks like Red boy there is alone." She chuckled as Camilla asked, "What will you do Shayera? Mess with him?" Shayera smirked and said, "Oh yeah. I like the way you think Camilla." The three girls giggled mischievously. Shayera then said, "Wish me luck girls." She winks as she walked to a nearby chair.

Knuckles was going to walk to the girls, but that's when Shayera sat down and felt her left ankle and said softly and girly, "Oh my, I don't think I can walk another step in these heels." Knuckles noticed her with a suspicious look, before he leaned on a big pedestal and looked at her with his arms crossed. He then said 'getting her attention (which was exactly what she wanted him to do)', "Well, having some shoe trouble Ms. BlueStar or have you been 'running'?"

Shayera looked at him with her pretty green eyes and said, "Oh my, I didn't see you there. We're you here the whole time?" Knuckles replied to her, "Oh No. Me and my friends got here. Though it's a darn coincidence, how we meet at a place like this?" Shayera wrapped her arms around herself and said, "Oh, I see. Well I must admit, I didn't think they let 'anyone' in. Let alone you."

Knuckles raised a brow and asked, "Don't remember me, Ms. BlueStar from when we went to investigate the town?" Shayera giggled in a girly manner as she had a cute smile on her face. Knuckles asked looked at her with the same questioned look, "What's so funny?" Shayera answered him, "Oh, don't be so silly big boy. I remember you alright. Your one of the 4 saviors of that village. If I had to guess, your the beloved leader of the group, I keep hearing about?" Knuckles was surprised before he said, "Uhh, I wouldn't put it in th..."

Shayera interrupted as she stood up and walk to the red echidna, "Oh don't be so shy, cutie. I heard a lot about you 4, but out of all, I never thought that you be so, big, strong, and handsome." Knuckles sweated and his heart pound like Sonics speed. Knuckles replied with a shaky tone, "Y-you don't say, well I-I'm flattered that a girl like you would hear about me. But look I..." Knuckles was interrupted again as Shayera said as she placed her hand on Knuckles arm and raised her hand all the way to his shoulder, "Aww shy much big boy? I bet you get confident around a lot of ladies. Don't you big boy?" She was a bewitching temptress to Knuckles sight though he was really falling into her spell and Shayera didn't even know it.

Knuckles heart beats faster when she started twirling one of Knuckles dreadlocks. She then asked while twirling one of his dreadlocks, "Well then, how about you be a good boy and get us both a drink?" She winked before walking off. She chuckled quietly and whispered, "Sucker."

Knuckles crossed his arms and whispered with a smirk as he leaned on the pedestal again while chuckling, "Cute. Real cute Sonic. I haft to admit, you really had me going, but even I can see through that charming act of yours."

Knuckles then said as he looked at the blue woman with Camilla and Serena, "I'm not that stupid to fall for that. But, you got a lot of guts talking to me like an actual woman."

That's when Professor Cluckins and Admiral Beaverton walked to him to greet him. Knuckles asked when he looks at Shayera, "Oh hi can I help you?"

That's when Admiral Beaverton asked, "What are you looking at?" Knuckles replied immediately, "Nothing." Thats when the two saw the lovely lady and they assume what this meant. Professor Cluckins smirked and said, "Oooohhhh. Now I see what this is about." Knuckles asked, "What is?"

Professor Cluckins answered, "Your being smitten on the protector of Transtopia. You sly dog. Found yourself a lovely lady." Knuckles then said with a relief, "Oh yeah that it be a little..." Knuckles shouted with a blush, "WAIT WHAT?!" Admiral Beaverton chuckled and said, "Not to worry, we'll help you get close to the girl. We just need to find you both a table." Thats when the two rich people from Hedgehog Village rushed off as Knuckles asked, "What the heck have I gotten myself into?"

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